
Thoracic Surgeon Visit Today

Keeping my fingers crossed that all will go well with DR Bovaria from University of PENN in PA.
We arrived there at 10:30a.m. filled out the paper work answered all the verbal questions. Then we sat and waited.  Mike and I were hungry so he went downstairs to get something for us to eat.He went out of the building and found this place that made sandwiches and bought us sandwich,. I must say it was delicious, the roll was the best part.
 total Cost was $58.00, prior to even seeing the Nationally Known DR. (not including Mikes lost Pay For This Day)

Now I know you would like to know what happened well I am going to tell you.
We waited 4 hours to see What was told to us as being the best Thoracic Surgeon Nation Wide.  His Asst came in first asked allot of questions listened to my heart and left.  The a Student from PENN that was doing a survey on Pacemakers came in and asked if I would  care to take part in it and I did.  I learned  allot about pacemakers I never knew that they can be turned off if you are on your death bed and you have it in your Living Will to do so, never knew that you can have it given to a family member if you pass, nor that you can be buried with it. or given to Countries with Poor People that need Pace Makers once they are sterile and put in working condition.  This to me was quite knowledgeable.
Then Sr Bovaria and his Asst. came in he introduced himself, listened to my heart, started talking in all of this Medical mumbo jumbo, I and Mike had no idea what he was saying.  He also only saw us for 15 minutes, sure made us feel very rushed, but his final word was NO there will be no RE DO on your Aortic Valve, it is possible that it is a little smaller than it should be, but it sounds good and he would replace it in 10 years.  He said that he was sorry that we were put under the assumption that he was the DR that could help me have my life back and make me able to breath normally and go back to doing all the things I used to do.  Then he said it must be your lungs when was the last CT of your lungs I told him April of 2013, his Asst. read to him that I had a moderate amount of COPD in me.  He asked us what the Pulmonary DR that I go to said and we told him that it is not the lungs that I only have a small amount of COPD in me and was thrilled that I was going to see DR Bovaria, for he would be the DR to help me.
Unfortunately between the Pulmonary DR, my Primary DR, who all raved about this DR..And then the Cardiologist DR George E. Mark who sent me to see him I was severely saddened for there was not a thing that this DR was interested in Helping me.  He never did anything but listen to my heart that was it.  Never checked my oxygen, pulse nothing.
He had an extremely Poor Bedside Manner, Very Cold and seemed to be quite Uncaring.
Prior to leaving the room he said "I think you best look in a different direction to find out what is wrong with you I see that you are adopted", I said "yes" and then he said "I am sorry but there is nothing I can do for you" and he walked out of the room.  His ASST. asked if I would like to have his business card I said NO,they gave me the CD of the Cath that was done in 2012 but did not give me any of my records that I brought there.  I was so upset I forgot to ask for them, why they didn't give them to me as I left I will never know for this so called wonderful DR refused to help me in any way.

So Home to the The "Little House In The Woods" we went.  We were both very disgusted about our visit to PENN to see DR Bovaria.  Perhaps he does help others, and he does give his time to others, but to me, NO he did not help me in any way and after waiting 4 hours to see him then being rushed by him and only getting 15 minutes of his time in which he also took a phone call on his iPhone.  It was a waste of money, Mike took the day off of work so he lost a full days pay + overtime, for nothing at all.
I do not understand why a DR with such a Supposed Great Reputation as he has could not even help to point me in a direction that possibly could help me, he did say that he was going to call DR. George E. Mark he wanted to talk to him and he was not understanding why all the pacemakers.  I did tell him about the last pacemaker taken out on August 16th and how the DR left a piece of cable in my chest, I could not believe that this Thoracic Surgeon  refused to touch that part of my chest completely.
Well that is it.  Where or what shall be done for me now.  Have to say I honestly believe that some where along the line of me Supposedly Needing an Aortic Valve something went wrong or perhaps with all the surgery for the different pacemakers.  One thing is for sure I was never this short of breath I was so full of life till I let Thoracic Surgeon DRMichael Rosenbloom, from Camden Cooper Hospital, who Operate on me and Put me into Full Heart Block now having to depend on a pacemaker to keep me alive and my Heart must be fully Paced at all times.

NO this is not my life not at all and NO I do not want to live like this just feels as if I am suffering horribly waiting for death, I feel like a fish out of water, suffocating this is not a way for anyone to live.
DR. Todd and DR. Levy you told me I had 3 months to live for I had a bad Aortic Heart Valve you said that I knew about it for 10 years, I think you made that up for all I ever had since I was a little girl was a heart murmur and no one ever told me that in 1999 I had anything wrong with my heart.
Yes we should have went after second opinions but you kept saying and rushing us "You only have 3 Months To Live"  Oh how I wish I would have waited out those 3 months to see what was true and what was not, for at least then I was a person full of life.  Now I am a Nothing just suffering and waiting to die.
All I Can Say Is There Has To BE A Heart DR
Somewhere That Will Help Me Now, For I Am Too Young To Be Going Through All I Am Going Through, and Too Young To Die. 

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