
Sorrowful Day Never To Be Forgotten

It has been 12 years today since this horrible day that in one way or another came upon us all with the loss of over 3,000 innocent lives.  It was a beautiful sunny day, not a cloud in the sky.  So quiet and peaceful.  It is a day I shall never forget as I am sure there are so many that will also remember this day.  For it is the day Terrorists flew planes into the Twin Towers in NY and the Pentagon and on their last attempt the passengers took over the terrorists giving up their own lives to save so many  causing the plane to crash in Shanksville PA.

We are A Strong Nation, There Is Not Anything Or Anyone That Can Take The 
U S A Down  
We Stand Together And We Will Rebuild Together.
My Prayers To All Of The Person's That Lost Their Lives On This Day
For They Shall Never Be Forgotten
May Their souls Rest In Eternal Peace.

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