
Happy Rosh Hashanah To My Jewish Friends

Today is the New Year for the people of the Jewish Faith.
I wish to all my Jewish Friends A Very Happy Sweet New Year Filled With Allot Of Love and Good Health.
: L Shanah Tovah.
This is The Year 5774

Tonight here at the "Little House In The Woods"  we too Celebrated this Wonderful Jewish
Holiday in Memory Of My Adopted Parents.
Oh How I Pray That They Have Been Looking Down At ME yesterday And Today, With All The Cooking and Baking I Did.  I Am So Proud and Very Sore From All That I Did.
I Made a Spinach Kugel, Sweet Kugel, Cheesecake Kugel, Salmon, Baked my first Chohlah and last but not least baked a Jewish Apple Cake.
Have to tell you I have never peeled So many Apples In My Life and then cutting them all into tiny pieces.  Guess I could have used my food processor to make my life a bit easier, but with the surgery I have just been through I knew it was best not to try and climb to the top shelf in the pantry.
I think I did more than I really should have, but, this was a special Holiday and even though my Parents are in Heaven I believe they were looking down on me watching all that I was doing and I know that they were very proud of me.  Even prouder probably because with Mike being a Diabetic I made sure no sugar was used in anything.
Then we sat down to dinner at sunset, I said the prayer for that  as lighting the candles then Held up our Wine Glasses and said a Prayer for that, On to the Slicing of the Cholah, yes it was perfectly round full of raisins for it had to be this way for it means Eternity and a Sweet Fruitful New Year. Then Finally  to the Prayer for the Dipping of the Apple Slices into the Raw Honey. This is done to have a sweet New Year.

Before we ate dinner Mike and I said Our Own Special Prayer To My Parents Out Loud then Wishing each other a Happy, Sweet, Healthy New Year.

Finally time for dinner, Mike loved it he said each year I make it, it gets better and better and yes Miss Shiloh had dinner with us too.
Rested a little bit, Mike was kind enough to do the dishes that do not go in the dishwasher, finally we sat down and had  slice of the Jewish Apple Cake I baked, It was Sooooooo God full of allot of apples.
What a wonderful way to end an evening , especially with the both of us having big smiles on our faces.

Well Mom and Dad if you were with us or watching over us you had to be proud of how I did the prayers perfectly and how everything went so Perfectly.

Happy New Year Mom And Dad
We Love You
Till We Meet Again
God Bless You   
Have to say I am so proud of myself and glad that I found the strength to be able to do all of this for Rosh Hashanah, especially doing it in Memory of my Parents.

Well Think I will Definitely Call It a Night and get some Well needed Rest.
Good Night All
Pleasant Dreams To All My Readers

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