
Happy Labor Day

Here is is Labor Day, the day of so many BBQues and Parties.  But not here in the
"Little House In THe Woods"
We are experiencing some wicked thunder storms with very mean lightening and buckets of rain just pouring down quite heavily.  I am just sitting here looking out the window wondering if we will be loosing any trees, gosh I really hope not.  
We were suppose to BBQue but with the weather being so horrible we had to cancel it. which is a wise thing for us to have done.  For to have people traveling all the way to our home in the flooded roads and these storms  just would not be fair to our company, for I do not want make anyone drive in this, for I know I would never be out there driving in it.
so what are we going to do?  Well we have 2 options to go to Chez Samuel's and enjoy some great Chinese food or go to this little deli down the street and get some terrific hoagies, Mike will probably get the italian one with allot of hot peppers, me of course it will be the turkey with no O, O, O, (oil, oregano, onions) snd of course light on the lettuce.  Then will pick up some potato chips the crab ones I hope for I like the bay seasoning on them bring them home go out to the sunroom set the table for our Labor Day Celebration, oh for Shiloh why we will get her some liverwurst for she loves that.  Then well have some ice cream for desert and Shiloh will have her pawls (dog Ice cream treat)
Well which ever we choose I am sure it will be a nice relaxing and quiet evening here in the "Little House In The Woods"  well besides the storms that keep coming here to visit us, I guess they want to spend the Holiday with us too. 

So this is the Great Weekend with allot of partying, Also known sometimes as the 4 day Weekend.  Better known as the Official End of Summer.
Not really the end of summer we have a ways to go before that really happens and Autumn comes in.
Today we may have off from our positions at work and enjoying our selves with our friends and family, but, I ask you to please Remember those that Can't Take Off Of Work For This Holiday, Our First Responder's, Police, Fire Fighters, and Never to be Forgotten our Soldiers Deployed to far away Countries to keep us all very safe and Protect Our Freedom's.
I ask all to please say a small prayer for theses Wonderful Blessed People that are working on Labor Day to Keep Us Safe, and Help us in So Many Different Ways.
To All I wish you a Happy Labor Day, and Please Keep It A Safe One.

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