
A Month With Allot Of Fun

Well June is now gone, not that I can say that July is going to be any better.  June did go out with a Big Wet Lit Up BOOM.
So they say that We are to have hot humid stormy day full of lightening and boom booms through
July 5th. Oh My!
Well we made it through all the rain and storms in June and I am sure we will be strong enough to go through what ever July will bring to us.
But there are some great times coming to "The Little House In The Woods".  starting July 2nd, it will Shiloh's 11th Birthday, definitely have to get her a sugar free cake with her being a diabetic.  Then to Pet Smart I will take her to pick out her presents, I know that she will pick out new loud squeaky babies , for she just loves to drive Mike crazy with them.   She takes very good care of all of her babies, you can actually see all the love she gives to each and everyone of them.

Miss Shiloh

Yes that is my dearest friend in the world Miss Shiloh and behind her is one of her baskets that she keeps her squeaky baby's in.  This is a picture of her the other day when it was rather hot and humid out but we braved it and took a walk, and Shiloh came home and relaxed on the cobblestone floor for it is rather cool there  of which she like allot.  Always has her blanket by her side no matter what the weather might be, guess it is her security blanket.
Oh I just can't wait till the 2nd to Celebrate her Birthday, She love Birthdays, doesn't really care who's it might be and that is true.
I will be sure to post some of her Birthday pictures so all can share in one way or another in her Birthday.

Then we will be having another Birthday her at "The Little House In The Woods"  for it will be Mike's

Here Is Mike
Probably lecturing to someone perhaps me or Shiloh

Yes his special day full of Magical Times is on the ?? of July, and of course it will be me ordering a sugar free Birthday cake for him for he too is a diabetic.  I will be taking him to his favorite restaurant but not on his Birthday for it falls on a Tuesday and he has to go to work, so we will have it that Saturday night for I know he can wait and will be looking quite forward to it.
No there will not be a Birthday like last years where I got him the candles that would not go out no matter what and he burnt his fingers, oh what a mess I have pictures of that you can go and see them for he is al covered in smoke from the candles.  I was laughing so hard I slid down the cabinets and landed on the floor oh what a wonderful fun filled evening that was  her at "The Little House In The Woods"

Oh No I did not forget that on July 4th we shall celebrate our Nations Birthday, for it is Independence day.  The night of Fireworks and parades and all sorts of celebrations.  I am sure we will have a BBQ
looking forward to that.
Well there is so much more I am sure.  But I just wanted to say Hello To July.

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