
Summer Is Disappointing Me So Very Wet

June 24th
Evening Lightening

Neighbors Tree That Came Down That Evening

The first couple days of Summer were great, no rain or humidity or high temps, just lovely days full of beautiful bright sunny days with a little breeze now and then.
Never did get to the beach or Shore as some know it or to the Air Show Thunder Over The Boardwalk.
The reason I did not get to really do much in the past week or more, is do to horrible temps in the 90's for 3 days, very humid and lots and lots of rain, lightening, thunder.  storms.  Neighbors tree came down that loud boom of thunder scared Shiloh and I so bad she ran up the stairs into Mike's music room I just went up and looked at Mike holding my heart for it scared the crap out of me.  I honestly thought that perhaps either "The Little House In The Woods" or a tree out there got hit by a lightening bolt.  This all happened on Monday the 24th of June.  Mike saw lights flashing out his window so he went outside to see what was going on, it turned out that a neighbor about 3 houses down, their big tree in front of their home got struck by lightening and landed on the wires.  We ended up with the Police in front of our home for the night, safe way to go to sleep.  The storm kept up most of the night and it was loud and it just poured and poured, thought perhaps we should start to build an ARK with all the rain we had prior to Summer's arrival and now this storm.

Woke up to a very lovely day on the 25th, made coffee for Shiloh and I after I gave her her breakfast and I got my oatmeal.  When we were done eating we went out and sat in the sun room, it seemed a little warmed than it should have been but not that bad.  So I started thinking why don't I try my walking regimen again.  I looked at Shiloh and asked her "want to go on a Mommy Walk"  she got so excited she ran in the family room and got my sneaks,  Oh what is a Mommy walk, it is one that we do not go too far and we do not walk real fast just take out time and enjoy what we see out there.  I went up and got dressed, then Shiloh and I went for our walk.  Shiloh was so happy, I was a bit scared because of the discomfort in my chest and pressure, but I just had to try it again.  So we walked down the long drive way and walked down the street, took my camera with us in case there was something I would like to take a picture of and yes I did find some things.  I made it all the way up to the Stop sign which is quite far from our home and then we took a left and walked for a little way then turned around and walked back down the street to the path that goes into the woods.  It was so private back there I loved it and Shiloh seemed to be enjoying herself too.
I was starting to feel just a little weak and dizzy and Shiloh looked at me as if she knew and we came home.  Both of us getting a cool drink, Shiloh water and me Icd Green Tea.  Shiloh laid down and fell asleep, I laid on the love seat and rested trying to get my breath back to where I think it should be.
Mike came home, he had pasta salad for dinner that I made on Monday while making myself Home Made Chicken Noodle soup, I just love eating that no matter what the weather is like.   But tonight I had a salad with tomatoes, provolone cheese, Chapolate, pepper, a few and yes I mean about 6 croutons oh and of course the romaine lettuce  oh with some chicken salad that I made earlier with ranch dressing.  Have to say my salad was great.  Then I had a Coconut Yasso Greek Yogurt Bar for desert.  very pleasant day even though we did make it into the 90's.
Later that night , yeap, another storm rolled in, very noisy but luckily no destruction where we lived.

Wednesday the 26th
Woke up to the same as far as the weather went, must say it was like that movie Ground Hog Day in some ways especially with the weather.   Shiloh and I took a walk after I cleaned the kitchen up, this time we went for a longer walk.  Not the best day for it for it was so very humid and hot.  Other than that it was a beautiful day full of sunshine, beautiful clouds but very stale air.  It was not the best day to go for a walk but I put myself on a routine and no I was not going to go off of it.  I did not feel right at all while walking and forgot to bring my cell pone with me "just incase"   We walked a little longer then turned around and came home.  Cold drinks for Shiloh and I took a rest as Shiloh did too.  So nice to be in the A/C.  Fed Shiloh her daily treat of raw carrots she loves them so much.
Made my dinner yes it was another salad this time I took the tomatoes and put a few slice on top of them didn't bother to cut them and put them in the microwave, got my salad bowl out put the lettuce, spices, and the rest of the chicken salad and added a little Ranch Low Fat dressing about a TBS, then put the tomatoes in there, OMG this had to be the best salad I have ever had in my life, nothing like hot fresh tomatoes covered with provolone cheese in a salad.  Will definitely be making this again.  Mike came home and finished up the pasta salad, for he loves the brocolli, caulaflower, and carrots I put in there along with some spice to spice it up.
After dinner Shiloh, Mike and I went for a walk, as soon as we got to the STOP Sign the very dark clouds moved in it was as i they were chasing us and yes we did pic up our speed, Mike kept saying we better turn back I said no just a few more feet please so we did and ended up sort of Speed-walking home to eat the dark clouds that liked us so much they followed us to the front door of "The Little House In The Woods" just when we got in a big bolt of lightening and a very very loud boom, so it was like Flash Flash Boom Boom Flash Flash Boom Boom and this went on all night, not one of Shiloh's or my favorite things in life. So that was Wednesday.

une 27th
Have To ADmit This Was A Great Shot At The Soccer Fields

Beautiful day, not humid or really hot at all.  Had my coffee with Shiloh and cleaned and vacuumed "The Little House In The Woods" Then did the wash and picked up the Soldiers names that I would be writing to this week.  Ih I have been going on FB again now and then but have realized I really don't need FB just a bunch of fake people there.  Always feel as if for one reason or another I am hurting inside from it and find myself getting very emotional and crying, NOPE I do not need this so I decided I have to go and get all my pics off of it and close it down.
No we did not take a walk for I just was not feeling that well and did want to clean the house and do the wash.  Think Shiloh was happy too, to be staying home.  I could not believe I found myself watching shows on TV from when I was a kid I watched Father Knows Best, DR, Welby MD, it was sort of nice to watch thing from so long ago.  At least I enjoyed my day.  Had Some Home Made Chick noodle soup I took out of the freezer it was just what I needed.  Mike has a Chicken pot pie and then we urned on the news to find out that severe thunder storms were on the way and that we were under a Tornado /watch till 10:00p.m..  Mike took SHiloh for a fast walk she was happy, about 5 minutes after they got back it  the sky started putting on one hell of a light show with allot of boom booms strong winds and pouring down rain.  This went on till 10:00p.m. and thankfully no Tornados.

Must say that JUNE sure has given us allot of rain, storms, destruction here and there with the big trees.
Yes they are calling for on and off thunder storms all the way till July 4th.  Well I think that is what Summer is all about heat, humidity, gusting winds, rain, tornados, severe thunder storms.
Will promise you all, FB is over and I have to get back to my favorite thing Blogging.

                                                Good Night
Took some beautiful pictures on our walk on the 25th will post them perhaps on Friday the 28th
See You All Then
Oh And The Story Of Myrtle

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