
Oh How Happy I Am For MAY Is Finally Here

I know I know I am late for it is now the 3rd of MAY, but have to admit I was so happy to see May come in.  The weather has been so beautiful.  Sort of warm, bright sunny days with light breezes to make the chimes sing all day and night.  Music to my ears.
This month is full of wonderful things for on May 2, it was National Prayer Day, Ma6, then May 4th I will be going to my sweet little Angel Tiffany's Holy Communion.  I am so excited over this occasion for I have the honor of placing a beautiful Prayer Box Bracelet on her wrist that I bought for her, she has no idea at all.  I have to be at the church at 9:15a.m. to be able to do this and the service for the children is at 10:00a.m. followed by a very nice lunch.  I will also be giving her a Holy Communion card with a check in it, for I didn't know that 2 years ago they stopped selling Savings bonds at the bank and you have to go on line and go through allot just to buy a bond.  I do not understand that for it was so great to be able to go to the bank and buy one and then give it to the person you are buying it for.  Thinks sure are changing but this is not a good change to me. So I will write out a check in hopes that her parents will put it into  her savings account for her future.
Then also on May 4th it is the Kentucky Derby, you guessed it, Party Time to celebrate this great race.  We go every year to this and just have so much fun, this year they will be having two bands there and a friend of ours will be DJing in between if he falls short of being able to do it then Mike will step in for we all know that Mike is one hell of a great DJ.  They will also have food there, I  know that there will be plenty of things made with meat and probably allot of Italian items too.  I sure hope that they will have some sort of salads or vegetable, best keep my fingers crossed for this. $20.00 a person and of course it includes beer of which I fo not drink, so why should I have to pay to be there it sure isn't for the beer or the food or the bands, but I guess it will be just to have a really good time.
May 5th  we can't forget for it is Cinco De Mai0  nother day full of fun. Then the following Sunday we all know I hope  well incase you don't it is Mother's Day, this will be a very sad day for me for my Mother is now living in Heaven.  I will go to her grave site and visit her and my Father.  Also on Mothers day is RACE FOR THE CURE, for Breast Cancer, so if you can lace up those sneakers and be a part of this event and let's make allot of dreams and miracles come true for so many.
Then in May we also have Memorial Day a day we should not forget and remember all of our Men and Women who have served to protect this fine country we al live in.  It is also supposedly the sort of beginning of Summer for this is when the beaches will open hopefully all repairs or most of them will be made from all the damage that Sandy did to allot of places.  NJ and NY lost allot but we are strong and we will make sure that  things will go great that day.

May Is Also Known As Breast Cancer Awareness Month

My Sweet Angel Tiffany getting
fitted for her dress for her Holy Communion 

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