
Past Weekend Update, Very Lovely

On May 4th we did get there at 9:15a.m. and met Tiffany and her parents outside of the church, she was as happy to see me as I was to see her.  We both had gigantic smile on our faves.  Oh Tiffany looked so BEAUTIFUL, in her white communion Dress, she looked exactly like a very young bride.  I took the box with eh bracelet in it out of my bag, and told Tiffany I have something very special for you, she smiled as she asked "what is it?"  I took it out of the special gauze bag, a white crystal Prayer Bracelet, she smiled so big as I placed it on her left wrist, yay it fit her perfectly.  Se gave me a huge hug, and told me how much she loved it.  It was then time for her to be walked over to the school to get together with the rest of the children before coming back into the church.
Mike and I went into the church took our seats and waited for the children to walk down the main aisle of the church in pairs, when I saw Tiffany I had Mike take a picture of her walking with her partner a very nice looking young man.  Once all the children were at the front of the church with their parents,
the Priest started the mass it was so pleasant and he put some humor i it which kept it very enjoyable.  Then it was time for the children and their parent to take their first Communion, and after that the visitors, yes Mike and I took Communion.  We went back to our pews and sat and prayed.  I know I ad allot to pray for, please do nt think that my prayers were mainly for me for they were not they were for a FB friend and her Husband that they would get a Miracle from GOD to get through the operation he just had for lung cancer, not being given that much time to live and a prayer for Shirley Gant the roommate I had in the hospital that had a body full of cancer, such a very pleasant person, so sad that she had the monster of all diseases going through out her body.
We then listened to the rest the priest had to say and to give us directions as to where to go to get a group picture of the Priest and all the children that made their First Communion.  Then out the door we went Mike took off with the camera and got some great pictures of the children and other's I had no idea he even took them.
Tehn it was time to leave to go to the luncheon for Tiffany's Communion, at this Chinese Buffet.  This place was so big, and had just about anything from sushi to french fries to sweet potatoes, to ice-cream and anything else that you could possibly think of was there.  They even as you left was given a chocolate wonton cookie, never had one of those before and hope to never have one again.
The day was very nice, I got home with  horrible headache and the chills and sick as hell to my stomach.  Think I might have come across some MSG there.  With what I ate which was not much I think if it was there I got it especially in the steamed dumplings, (never saw dumplings that looked like them before)  the only other thing I ate was the steak fries and the onion ring, and some coffee ice cream.  Guess it would have been in the 2 dumplings or the shrimp I tasted off of Mike's plate.

so needles to say we did not make it to the Kentucky Derby Party, I laid on the love seat from the time we got home from the luncheon, dozing in and out.  Did claim this horse called Golden --------, forget the rest of his name, my husband picked another.  We watched some of the Kentucky Derby that is where I picked my horse and Mike picked his, then they were off and oh how I wish I would have never gotten sick from the luncheon for my horse came in 2nd, and well Mike he I believe is still waiting for his horse to come in.  Mike made me a grilled cheese to see if that would help my stomach for he flt that I did not eat much and thought that I should try and eat something.  The grilled cheese was great, BUT NO it did not HELP, I got sicker.  I was actually begging my stomach to please come up I have never felt that sick in such along time nor had a head ache that serious.  Went up stairs and went to bed.
It was such a very beautiful pleasant bright sunny day, definitely a day that I will always believe GOD made it as beautiful as it was for the Communion .
Below are some pictures from Tiffany's Communion, Hope you will enjoy them as much as we did celebrating her very special day.

Beautiful Tiffany

Tiffany's Lovely Smile

Tiffany Receiving The Prayer Bracelet From me
Think we had a bad photographer then

John, Tiffany , Debbie
Tiffany and Her Parents

Beautiful Stained Glass Windows
inside of the church

Tiffany and Her Partner Walking down the Aisle
in the Church to make First Communion

The First Communion Children
Outside ST Lawrence Church

Surprise Picture Mike Took
Kenny Clause and I
Tiffany's Grandfather 

 Well that is it for some of the pictures oh there are allot more but these to me were the best.
Hope you all enjoyed them as much as we ll enjoyed this very Special Day. May 4, 2013

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