
Oh My 14 Days Till Christmas

Oh dear I can not believe that there is only 14 days till Christmas and I have not bought one present.   I know what Mike wants sort of and I definitely know what Shiloh wants for she wants a very soft large doggie bed and perhaps a new pink or red collar.  The soldiers I write to and send things to all went out today 4 Christmas care Packages just for them, with all that they asked for.  I feel very down that I did not get my Husband Mike anything and there is not that many days to go out there to shop.  I really have to get into my car and get out there and shop shop shop till I Drop Drop.  But I shall get it done just for him for I love him so much.  He got mine very easily, he had me pick out the very important things that I can only get on QVC and they had a show on there yesterday and yes I got the 3 things I wanted.
Oh and then thee is or 27th Anniversary of when we first started to seriously date, for that is the most important day to me for if it was not for DEC 13th 1985 then I believe we would have never been married nor would I have had such a wonderful loving best friend as I do with Mike.
Think that will be an easy present for him for our 27th Anniversary and that would be to take him to dinner to one of our favorite restaurants as a matter of fact I introduced it to him on our second date and have been going there ever since Cotardos  of course.
I have written out allot of Christmas cards to soldiers, and some friends oh and of course my sister and her husband, but still do have many more to write out.  Hope I will get them done in time to mail by the 15th of DEC.

A Warm Toasty Fire To Relax By
Oh How Wonderful This Feels and Enjoying a Glass of My Favorite Wine
What More Could I ask For Right Now !

"I'm Just Sitting Here Waiting For Santa To Come
For I Have Cookies Right By My Side Just For Him"

Then again it has taken me a while to get the Christmas Spirit into me, for just after Thanksgiving My favorite Aunt Rita passed away.  Then This past Saturday DEC 8th Mike Mom was rushed to the hospital bleeding internally, and now they told Mike she has pneumonia.  Mike went to visit her today and said she looks very frail and seems to be incoherent.  How ever he did get to help her eat some graham crackers, apple juice, and water and then she wanted to go to sleep.  I love Mike's Mom so much, she is a wonderful woman she is also 91 years of age.  She is such a beautiful  and loving woman.  My Prayers are with her to get better, so she can have Christmas with us as we promised her.
Well I best get off of here and get allot of rest so I can get up early and do some Christmas shopping for Mike and Shiloh and also stop by the church to say a prayer for my Mother in-law that I  love so very much.

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