
20 Little Angels Went Home With GOD Today

Today was a very sorrowful day, with a very horrific event that devastated so many in our country.
For in NEWTOWN CT, Sandy Hook Elementary School a very sick minded 20 year old individual who first killed his Mother  then went to the Elementary school where he was a student there growing up. He killed 20 Precious Little Children and 8 adults if you want to count him.
I do not know what our Country we are living in is coming to, I will never be able to fully comprehend what happened today, perhaps because I do not have an evil mind as the killer did.  How can a son kill his Mother then go to the school that he attended when he was younger with his brother, also being a neighbor of this close nit Town and kill these little angels being between the ages of 6 and 7.  They never had a chance to live their lives, nor enjoy the peace of their Christmas they were so excited over and the Joy of the coming New Year.  My prayers go out to the Fist Responders, the 20 innocent Little Children and their families, and the School Principal, Music Teacher, Librarian and 3 others and their families as well as the people of NEWTOWN CT
I ask you all to hug your loved ones a little bit tighter tonight perhaps show them how much you love them, being sure to tell them you Love them, as they or you leave home to go to work or school or where ever for you really do not know what Tomorrow brings for you or your loved ones.
Please let us all pray for the people of NEWTOWN CT.   AMEN

The Little Innocent Angels Being Taken Home To Rest Safely In The Arms Of The Lord One By One

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