
A Letter To My Dad That Went Home With GOD

Hello Dad,
 I sure do miss you and wish so much that you were to still here with me.  things have changed so much since you have been gone.  I remember when there were things that I did not understand I could go to you and you would make it so I would comprehend and I Thank you so much for those many times you were always there for me.  But, oh how do I ever miss those days and our talks. Perhaps I should have listened a bit better to your advice, however sometimes people have to find out things for themselves.  Dad I believe that I have found the Right Road to be on.  I know that if you are looking down to see what is going on with my life you do see that I am doing exactly what I have always wanted to be able to do.

I  am happy that you are not suffering any more and that is wonderful that there is no more pain for you to feel. I pray that you have found Mom and she is by your side, and the both of you are smiling.

Even though it has been eight years now oh how I still have pain and so much loneliness  in my heart since the early morning that GOD took you Home to Rest Peacefully in the Heavens above.
I do often wonder if you are as proud of me for all that I have accomplished, like all I do for our Troops, and our Fallen Heros Families, as I am of myself.  The day I received the Presidential Award I wonder were you by my side to see it and as happy as I was.  I remember being told by a nurse when I left the hospital from what someone had done to me 17 years ago,she told me  "GOD saved me for a Purpose to help other's", you know Dad I think she was right for I believe that is what I am doing.  I pray that you are looking down and watching me stay up to the wee hours of the morning writing letters and cards to our troops to help boost their morales and put a smiles on their faces, also writing my condolences on so many cards for the young men and women that gave their lives for our Country, then sitting on the floor packing up care packages for soldiers.  You know Dad I do not think that I have to ask you that question for I already know that you are for I know Mommy was very proud of all I do for our Troops and while she was here and saw some of the awards I received from the U.S. ARMY  she once said to me "You know your Father was in the Army and I know that he would be very proud of you"
I know that we will meet again, I know that my heart will go on hurting, and I know that I shall always miss you.
I ask you to save me the most wonderful puffy cloud up there that you can find so that we can have a chat or two just like we used to.
For Now Dad I ask you to please Rest In Peace and know that my Love and Prayers are always with you.
I will always be my Father and Mother's Daughter First and then I shall be a Soldiers' Angel
I hope the both of you are proud of the good things I do for others.  To me it is "Paying It Forward" and pleased with the way I Truthfully enjoy being.

With Love Your Adopted Daughter !

Till We Meet Again

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