
What A Horrible Hot Day

These past few days, better known as a heat wave have been so very hot. First day 100 degrees, second day 96 degrees, third today 93 degrees but, seemed more humid then the previous. What was the heat index for these days I honestly could not say.
Today even though the temp did not go as high as the other two days it was awful, felt like it was about 112 degrees out there. It was not a good day for me at all nor shiloh.
For Mike took Shiloh out very early this morning about 2:0A.M. and she did her business, but then started falling as she was walking and sort of what I would call staggering, Mike gave her some food and pancake syrup, then woke me up and asked me to go to the Family room and sleep in there with her. So Shiloh and I slept in there for it most certainly was so much cooler than any other place in the house. First I made Shiloh and I some plain whole grain dry toast we enjoyed that, then we both snuggled up together and went to sleep.
Finally at 1:30A.M. we both woke up and I fed Shiloh her breakfast then made my coffee sat back and watched a little TV gave Shiloh her insulin and a bone for a treat.
Suddenly I remembered that I had not went outside to get the news paper, so I did, that was definitely a big mistake, it was so hot and humid and hit me right in the face. Came inside very dizzy and my heart beating so fast and not feeling good at all. I felt myself wobbling and trying to walk to at least one of the dinning room chairs to grab on to something, next thing I new I was down and out for the count.
I do no not know what happened for the other hot days when I went out with my friend Shiloh I was Okay, this scared me, for I do not know how long I was out, but came to with my heart still racing and my nose started to gush blood. This entire episode of what ever I had gone through sure put a very big fright into me. Took it easy the rest of the day took shiloh out much later so she could take care of her business.
Mike came home very late for the traffic was so bad today, and he brought home a personal White Garlic pizza for me and a Baked Pizza Turn Over with Mushrooms for him. We enjoyed our dinner. I didn't talk much for I still was not feeling that great. Took me quite a while to eat my dinner.
Finally the storms arrived. This was a good thing for that meant the So Called Cold Front was moving in and things started to cool down some extremely windy and allot of lightening and thunder. This was not a good night for Shiloh at all for she is so afraid of the strong winds, lightening and loud thunder.
Well that was how our day went, could have done without what ever it was that I experienced and I still am feeling a bit strange,. So I guess I best go and get allot of rest for I sure feel like I need it. Yes today was a battle I did not enjoy nor was expected to be facing. Oh Do I hope that tomorrow will be so much better and the entire weekend too. As I close this posting thought I would let you know that is is now 71 degrees out there.

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