
Groundhog Day, Sad Day, Busy & Happy Day

MR Cloudy 2009
Comfortably Asleep

Oh what a day today is and was.

Where shall I begin?
Hmmm, let's start with Groundhog Day, he did see his shadow so of course we shall get 6 more weeks of winter. With the winter we have had so far, that will O K with me as well as with so many others. I believe we had a dusting of snow once then about 2 inches a couple of weeks go, that melted the following day. This does not make Shiloh and I happy not having allot of snow, but we are dealing with it. Sort of nice to have some Spring like wether, especially these past few days when it went into the high 50's and mid 60's and very sunny. Today cloudy a slight chill in the air but still not winter like.

The Sad part about this day is that it is MR Cloudy's Third Angelversaary, yes it has really been 3 years since he left to go to Rainbow bridge. I miss his so very much, allot of tears as I visited his grave today with Shiloh, we said some prayers for him and I told him as I always do that he shall always be deep in my heart that is so full of his love and memories of him. Yes Death is a heartache so difficult to heal but God left me with so many wonderful memories when he escorted my Angel Face MR Cloudy to Rainbow Bridge, so deep with in me that no one could ever steal.
Till we meet again MR Cloudy God Bless You!

The Happy part of the day, Mike and I went out and had a Marvelous lunch, very enjoyable, then on to buy our Super Bowl 46 Sweatshirts. Yes the sweatshirts are a yearly tradition for us, I only wear mine on Super Bowl then wash it and put it away. Mike he wears his till it get too warm to wear it then puts it away.
As we were coming home we came across a lovely boutique called "HOPE THRIFT". As I walked around the gentleman that owns the place offered me a fresh cup of coffee that he was brewing, I must say it had to be the best coffee I have ever had and to see that it came out of a Keurig I was very surprised. For we have bought a Keurig Brewer previously had many problems with it called Keurig they sent me another one, problems with that one it had the smell of wires burning and then another, we did not even try for it was not the same one as the one we had bought to start with. Oh yes we did return the one that we bought after it broke which was bot too long after we bought it. Have been trying to get these 2 Keurigs back to them, but it seems as if Fed Ex does not know how to ring a door bell then they come when I am not here. As a matter of fact they came today apparently right after Mike and I left to go out to spend the day together, he marked he was either picking up or dropping off 3 items and this was the 3rd attempt I called Fed EX they told me to call Keurig to have it rescheduled and yes I did, for I definitely want what they have sent me out of here. Very poor product extremely confused company. If their brewers are so great then why are they always replacing them for so many consumers, go to their web site read the reviews, amazing, how can they be making and revenue if they are sending Supposedly New Brewers to all that complain. I honestly think they are sending out Refurbished ones and that is why I ended up with 3 brewers that did not work.
Oh the gentleman in that owns the Boutique, well he bought his off of a site on the internet, not through Keurig he honestly lucked out.
To tell you the truth I really enjoy my red Hamilton Beach Coffee Maker, for it makes great and the very hottest coffee in the world.

Oh yes at the Boutique I did of course buy some lovely things, I bought two very heavy and thick microwave safe mugs and then he had these brick red glass dessert plates, that reminded me of the plates that my grandmother had when I was a little girl. He was selling the 8 for $3.00, could not let that go, for I m going to use them to decorate my dinning room table with them. Finally bought a framed stained glass, it is so beautiful, I am going to have to take a picture of it to show it to you for it is sort of hard to explain it but it is very lovely. The grand total for our visit there was $9.00, great prices. Yes this little Boutique is my new best friend.

It was a day that I honestly needed. A day to spend with just my Husband and myself. We do not get to do that very often with the hours he works, but I am so grateful we had the time together today.

Well I best go get ready to go to sleep, for the shortness of breath and heart are making me so very tiered. On Tuesday we will be seeing the Cardiologist to find out where we are going from here. I know I can not go on much longer as I am, so I certainly do pray that he has an answer on how to finally help me go back to being me!

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