
What A Wonderful Evening

These are some of the Artist's work that we did see. No photos or drawings were allowed to be taken or done, how very sad that was.
Below is
Painting Van Gogh painted for his Nephew Vincent.

The Vase Of Sun Flowers
One My very favorites

Oh how Van Gogh loved These beautiful flowers
Saturday evening was the most incredible evening I and Mike have had in such a very long time.
We left here at 3:00p.m. went to an early dinner, for our time to see the Van Gogh exhibit was scheduled for us to be there at 5:30p.m. - 6:00p.m.. We had a delightful dinner and then on our way across the big bridge to the Mmuseum. We did get there about a half hour early but no problem for we did get to see some paintings done by Monet, how lovely they were.
Finally time for us to go and stand in the winding line, then get our head phones to hear the Narrator guiding us through the later years of Van Gogh's Life and his marvelous art work.
I learned things that I never knew about Van Gogh, such as how one day in the very cold he walked into the woods and came out with two gun shots to his abdomen and passed away two days later, what a sorrowful loss for his brother Leo and his many artist friends.
Oh no please do not think that he killed himself for he did not he was shot by a young man that was in the woods hunting.
He spent most of his later years in many insain asylums. He painted such lovely works of arts looking through the bars on his window there of beautiful sun flowers and other beautiful remarkable paintings. He never painted the bars, it was as if you could jump right into many of his pictures he painted as looking out of his window. He did try to do some Japanese art and what was in the show I must say was something else. The very last painting I fell in love(as seen above) with was the painting that he painted for his brother's son, who was named Vincent.It was just so lovely. He made his attempts in painting many still art paintings of fruit and a sun flower. There were also a couple others such as the one of bales of wheat all tied up with what appeared that purple ribbon was flowing from them for to me they looked as if they were dancing women, so amazing. There were others that I certainly enjoyed allot but there were three that I truly fell in love with.
The only disappointment I would have to say about the exhibit was that Starry Night and none of his Self Portraits were in this exhibit. I was talking to a very pleasant gentleman there that came to the see this great Artist's work, and he explained to me that those works of art were in the Netherlands, this gentleman bought a Starry Starry Tie and I bought two sets of
5 x 7 pictures of different works of this artist. How beautifully they will look as I find the perfect frame to put some of them in and hang them up as you walk up the stairs.
Then it was time to finally go back to The "Little House In The Woods."
Such a pleasant and delightful evening out. Have not been out on a date with Mike in quite a while and we honestly deserved it and all of the enjoyment that came with it.

Well I best get going, just wanted to stop in and tell you that we had such a fantastic evening.

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