
Super Bowl XLVI Is Here Fun Fun Fun Today

Well finally Super Bowl Sunday is here with two for my favorite teams playing. Who shall I pick to win? Hove not got a clue, really would like to see the GIANTS win.
Mike and I have yet to make or annual bet on the game. As tradition had it we have to go out and get the Large Super Bowl 46 Cake. Honestly hope they did a great jo on making it as I asked them to.
Well best get going now for have shopping to do for the Super Bowl party and must pick up the cake, then Mike and I will make our coin toss bets, then who is going to win, hmmmm this is going to be a day full of fun, bets, food, cake, and lordy lordy who knows what else. But, I know this is going to be a great day shopping and then a fantastic Super Bowl Evening.
See you when I get back
All food for the Super Bowl is now here as is the cake.
Mike and I made our bets at to who was going to win, the coin toss, and the final score.
So here it goes
I chose for the coin toss Tails. Mike of course chose Heads
I chose for the GIANTS to win with the final score being GIANTS 22 and NE being 17. So we shall see.
Mike Chose the New England Patriots to win with the final score being NE 34 Giants 24
well there is our choices. Now all we have to do is get all ready for the game and see who shall win,
Oh the cake, have to say it came out great, a little cake in the middle with little cupcakes surrounding it, and Super Bowl rings on every one of the cupcakes. mm mm mmm, looks so good, just can't wait till we finally serve the cake.
Oh we will also be having horseradish cheese and Pepper Jack cheese with these vegetarian vegetable crackers, oh they are sooo good, and of course nachos with very HOT HOT HOT cheese, peppers and little grape tomatoes cut up. Well That is it for now. For I have to go get ready and set the Family Room up to watch the Big Game.
What a night this shall be.
Oh I will be back tomorrow with the final results of who won what and the final score and pictures of course of the Great Super Bowl Cake. I believe you will all know the final scores before reading my posting tomorrow.

see you all later

GO GIANTS OH YES ! ! ! ! ! !

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