
A Great Weekend With Dutch Artist

This weekend is going to be the greatest for the Art Museum is having a Special Showing of
for Members only.

the Exhibit does not open till February 1st a
nd will run through May 6th 2012.

We will be one of the first people to see this Amazing Exhibit.
We are looking forward to going to see this Exhibit for he is one of my very Favorite Artists. Have been waiting a year for this very Special Exhibit. I am so sure that there will be so very much to see.

Whether it rains, or even if it is horribly cold and windy out side, we will still go and have a magnificent time together. Stop at the little restaurant to grab a bite to eat, then go and look at so much more the Museum has to offer, when we finish seeing Van Gogh Up Close.

This is going to be one of the best weekends that we will be having in such a long time.

Self Portrait
Starry Starry Night
This is my favorite painting of Van Gogh

Painted as he was looking out his barred window, can actually see the scratches Van Gogh made in his canvas.

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