
Sunny & Warm Today I'm Clueless To All Of This

Sun Brightly Shinning Through The Trees
I Have To Admit It IS Beautiful

Well the day after my last posting, I ended up in the hospital. Got out of there the other day.
Any way the morning after I was admitted, we got SNOW, I was so Happy to see it, but so Unhappy for I could not go out with Shiloh and play in it or make any Snow Angels. How Sad That Was For Us.
Today it is brightly sunny with a warm subtle breeze to that brushed against my cheeks as I was out side with Shiloh. It felt so good, had to ask myself "Am I really missing Winter and the Snow for this feels so pleasant and it is so lovely out here"?
My answer to my question is of course I miss the snow and playing in it and making angels, but oh how much I am enjoying today for it is so beautiful and bright, with very few clouds that look like big balls of cotton candy floating through the skies.
This weather I must admit as everyone else has, is so very strange, some wonder if it is because of the slight earthquake that we had this past summer in August or not, for that was rather rare for us to have also.
The best that I can say about all, is Perhaps Mother Nature Is Going Through The "Change Of Life"!
Hey can you think of anything else that makes as much sense as that?


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