
Have to say I am very glad to see October go, who ever would have thought that October was going to leave by saying "GOOD BYE" with a Some much unexpected snow, buckets and buckets of so Much Rain, with strong violent winds. Hmm I wonder was it Her "Trick Or Treat" to us? Many are still without power, and there was so much damage through out the East coast and other parts of the Country too. How thankful I am that we just got a glistening inch of snow. Could have done with out the poring down ice cold rain mixed with heavy wet snow and oh those horrible winds. "Little House In The Woods" got allot of big branches that came to visit us from other's property, yes ours too. So many leaves fell as I watched them dance through the skies and the trees swaying back and forth as if to some beautiful tune. And the winds kept howling away.

November came in perfectly, cool with beautiful sun filled cloudless skies and a slight wind every now and then. Oh how cold it gets in the middle of the night, for I have been awoken by the brutal cold for the past nights.

I did go out these past days. It was so beautiful and peaceful, being overwhelmed to welcome in November, I refer to as The One We All Give Thanks. I am sure we all do have something to be Thankful for.

Well I best get going now, for it has been a rather long day with so much to do and do!
Perhaps tonight I will get a chance to sleep peacefully all snuggled up under our goose-down comforter happy and peacefully dreaming the night away.

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