
Nice Time At Reunion 11.05.2011

Saturday Night 11/05/11, we went to the Reunion, had a nice evening out.
No can not brag about the food at all, we went into the wine cellar, they had so many wines to choose from, then you move on to the many many cheeses, of course with cheese being my favorite I had no problems finding something to eat. Mike didn't either. Then back up stairs to our table, sat with some people Mike knew I knew two people that was it. The one man that was there was only there to be a date for someone, so sad for he is a very nice person. At least I had someone to talk to. Then it came time for dinner, so we went up to the different stations to get our food, the first one, nothing for me, Mike, well he tried some of each, then on to what they called the Vegetarian Station, no way it was a small very small Ceasar Salad and anchovies on a plate, WOW I LOVE them so no problem there I took about 8 of them little guys put them on my plate went back to the table and enjoyed them with my assorted cheeses. Then they opened up the Fish Station, I went up took a piece of Salmon, it really did look good, went back sat down tried it, Oh How Horrible it was RAW, so no did not eat that. Mike and some other people at our table seemed to have enjoyed their food, but this other man that I knew , well he like the anchovies too so we split them between us, for he did not like the salmon either and well cheese and anchovies was our dinner. then they brought out tiny and I do mean extremely tine plates for each table of these petite cakes, I lucked out and got a Cannoli, true heaven there.
Then we had a couple Adult Livations then danced. Mike talked to the DJ and had our wedding song played by Steven Tyler and we danced to that, which made the evening worth while to have gone. Prior to me going in I banged my head on the trunk of the car for I was putting my packet-book in there and when I backed up and came up WOW did that ever hurt, bleed a little and got a huge egg on my head from it and a hell of a headache.
But all went well , even though I knew no one except those 3 men.
Felt great to get all dressed up and go out with a bunch of strangers to me sort of like crashing a wedding, please do not laugh for I have done that once by accident with Mike and a couple times with my friends when we were younger, but sue did always have a hell of a good time.
Here we are waiting for our picture to be taken wonder how long we have to sit like this before they take our picture Hmmm No that is not my beer mine is the glass to the left with the Cola in it.

Just sitting there by myself but believe me I did not mind at all
It was and enjoyable evening out of the "Little House In The Woods"

Mike staring at someone or some thing
Who knows?

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