
A Halloween Wish To All

Autumn leaves
that dance in flight
Jack - o' Lanterns Light
Every Where Tonight
Have A Wonderful Halloween !

Shiloh Trying Very Hard To Put On Shiloh's Halloween Costume
"What Is She Going To Be"
A Banana Hopefully

I Tried And I Tried
But No
I Never got It On Her!

Well this is it time to say Good Bye to OCTOBER
Ended In A Real Shocker To Many
I Have Never Seen Snow Down Here Never In October That Is!
And Our State Being Put Into A State Of Emergency
By The Governor! Hmm Sure Did Surprise All.
Perhaps November The Month Of Giving Thanks For what we All Have
Turkey Month, For You Know That Turkey Lasts Forever
For It Is Better Known As
Thanks Giving!
Who knows perhaps a month that will also bring us some surprises, seems like we have had a surprise in allot of the prior months. guess we will just have to wait and see. Also brings us closer to shopping For Christmas. Chanukah, and New Years Eve. Really not that far away.

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