
Wonderful Gift A Fantastic Beautiful Sunny Day

Here is my hair, looks alright just would have liked it to be a little darker. As she said it will take time though and a few more trips back to the Spa to get my hair back to the way I have always liked it.

Today is such a gorgeous day, with such clear blue skies and a gentle breeze. Did go out there to clean up so many of the branches that broke off of the trees closet to the front of the house, so you could get in the front door. Then I did the back for the same reason. The only slight damage we received was the carpet in the Sunroom did get wet, but that is so minor, just take it up and put down new carpet. Some of the people on our street did have trees come down on their driveways blocking them in and then there were trees on the side of out street that came down but fell into the woods. Yes we are thankful for the very slight damage we received. How ever we were told that with our land being so we from all the rain from prior storms and then Irene, there is still a chance that trees could come down. Just need as I was tole a couple weeks of NO RAIN. For now it is just wait and see and hope and pray that all stays safe.

8.24.11, Alright now I know I have not told you what the Cardiologist told me, when we went there very Early in the Morning. Not for Vacation. This is what is going to go on after Labor Day, I will be going into the hospital again to have my Heart Operated on. Hopefully this will help me to be able to breath properly again, and take long walks and be back to My happy, healthy Self prior to the First Heart Surgeries 2 years ago, that seemed to have made me worse not better. The Cardiologist gave me 50-50 chance, in other words 50% that it will help and 50% chance that it will not do anything.
Hmmm, I am wondering can this possibly make me worse? Never did get an answer to that question, when I asked my Primary DR.

Should I really be going through this Surgery, I have to say this I am very scared, and I do not know if I am doing the right thing or not. I do know that I do not enjoy life as I used to, do to the Prior Surgeries. I took a big chance with those Surgeries so perhaps I am doing the right thing , but not really sure for it just might be the wrong thing.
The test, Heart Cath., that they did in February.2011, the report acknowledged that the Aortic Heart Valve that the Thoracic Surgeon replaced was too Small, and also that Cardiologist said in his report that the Valve was Mismatched.

So all I can do is pray that this will work and all will come out well.
That is it. All I ask for is for everyone's Prayers for this. Really going to need them just to get myself through this Emotionally, and then through the Surgery itself.

Have To Go, for it is time for Shiloh to go out side and take care of her business and get her Frontline put on. Have to keep those Creepy Crawlers, Blood Sucking Ticks and Biting Fleas
off of her.

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