
Vacation Thunder Storms Earthquakes ?

Monday, 8.22.11, was great can not complain at all, we did have to make a stop at the Synagogue for the Troops, that will be celebrating the Jewish High Holidays. An exceptionally nice Rabbi by the name of Rabbi, Richard F. Address, from a Temple in Cherry Hill NJ. He kindly contributed 71 Yamulkes and 3, 47 pound boxes of Jewish Calendars for 2011 through 2012, they are very nice I must say so. Yes you guessed it home we went to "The Little House In The Woods" for we had to drop them off some where. Then we got ready to go out again,,, but took Shiloh out first so she could do her business. Then finally on our way to do a little shopping to get some odds and ends in the house for breakfast, carrots for shiloh, my New England Coffee that I found that Target is selling. So now I so not have to order it from the company any more just go to Target. Then we stopped at Acme to get some romaine hearts so I could have salad for dinner that night. We rested after we got home then had a little dinner, and kind of took it easy for we knew we had to get up early Tuesday and be on the road early.
Tuesday, 8.23.11 got up e]very early made my coffee for Mike had already made his. Oh we do not drink the dame coffee, strange I now but we have had seperate coffee makers since we moved into this house. as a matter of fact I believe I have gone though at least 5 of them, for I just bought one, a red one when I started adding accents of different shades of reds into different rooms to brighten them some what. Then we finished our breakfast got ready and left here to head down to DE, oh yes I was so excited to be going down there and stopping at the Dover Raceway. to visit the Monster Mile Statute. Well before we did that we went on to the outskirts of VA to do some shopping. We were in Tuesday Morning, I was looking at the crystal when all of the sudden the place started shaking and the crystal was moving, I had no idea what was going on, and the other people in the store were not to sure either, Then Mike said "I think we just had an Earth Quake" One of the lady's that was working there received a phone call from her daughter crying that it was on TV that there was just an Earthquake that registered 5.9 in VA. I paid for the items I bought there and we left got into the car Mike stopped at this Liquor store and bought some "PINK FLOYD" wine, yes that is what it was called even had the photo of the one of their albums as the label on it. Mike said they even had"Woodstock" Wine, but did not get that, but did get me a coke for I had a serious headache and needed to take an aspirin. Then my sister called to see if I was alright, because they felt the Earthquake in PA, I thought that was so sweet of her to call me and make sure I was alright. Thanks D.S. that meant allot to me. So then we were on our way to DE to go to the outlets up there. All you heard about on the radio was about the Earthquake so finally we played some CD's. Had a horrible lunch at Grotto Pizza. Had to be the worse pizza I have ever tasted in my life, Mike didn't care for his either. Then we went to allot of different outlets while in DE, and yes we did buy some clothes, Mike finally found his very Favorite cologne Contradiction by CK
and if he bought 2 bottles of it the first cost regular price and the second was 1/2 off, so he did get two. Me I did not get anything, for they did not have DKNY Cashmeir Mist Parfume, or the other one I love Boucheronon Eau DE Parfume. No big deal that is why they have a Macy*s waiting for me in Cherry Hill. We went from outlets to outlets, Found some great deals I must say. Then on to the Disney store, where I apparently dropped my cell phone, realized it when I got into the car, so Mike called my phone with his phone and the girl that picked it up told him it was a the Disney Store, so back we went to get it, the girl told me to take Uncle Jimmy off my phone for she was calling people on my phone to try and get a hold of someone to tell them to please get in touch with me for my phone was at the Disney Store and apparently Uncle Jimmy was not so polite. Oh well I am just happy to have my cell phone back. Finally we left all of the many outlets and drove up to the Dover raceway, to see the Monster Mile and take pictures of it and of course the plaques they had for the races that Mark Martin won there, and other race card drivers too.
Then all done with that, we got in the car and headed back to "The Little House In The Woods"
We wanted to stop at a Restaurant to have a very Nice Pleasant Dinner and there were allot to stop at but neither one of us could decide what we wanted to eat, so we decided to go to Checkers, once we got real close to home. Have to say they do have the best Chicken and Out Of This World French Fries.
So finally we are home, Shiloh just darts out of the house for apparently she had to go through the Earthquake also not knowing what it was. After calming her down and giving her, her carrots we sat down and ate our dinner from Checkers. Quite good I have to say. I was so sore from the walking more so at Dover Raceway then any where else.
Sort of still Shocked over an Earthquake? Will never forget that part of our vacation that is for sure. Then I went upstairs to see that yes the Earthquake was here, for there were some pictures that apparently fell off of where they were and Mike's music room had a bit of disturbance also.
Then checked my E Mail answered some and then it was off to Bubble Land followed by Dream Land. My body and me were so happy to feel the bed and the new pillows that I bought at Tuesday Morning. Must say that we all slept extremely well.

Thursday, 8.25.11, we went to the movies to see "One Day", what a Fabulous movie that was, and if Mike liked it the YES it was Great. Oh how it stormed, thunder and lightening, oh yes the Weather Person was correct at predicting this storm. Now predicting Hurricane "Irene" Yes I do believe we are going to be in trouble especially with the many trees that we have.
Oh I am sorry it has just been brought to my Attention, by an E Mail Question to me, What "About Wednesday,8.24.11 ?" That is something that I will be doing a Post on perhaps
tomorrow Saturday, 8.27.11, or later. Promise I will be posting to let you know what exactly did happen and what will be going on after Labor Day.
I just wanted to stop in to let you know that vacation had some Great, Scarey, Ruff,Wringing Wet, and fabulous Times so far.

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