
Pictures from our Anniversary 8/20/11

Well here we are at Cotardo's Restorante

Wonder what the special is tonight.
Can not wait to get in there and sit down and have some of the world's greatest Garlic Tomato bread. Com on let's go

This was our cozy table for two
I just love the decor in here

Here is the main Dinning Room, where we sat,
and have ben for 25 years. They did redecorate all about a year or two ago

Saturday evening, celebrating our anniversary was just so perfect.

Our Dinner here at Cotardo's could not have been better. I decided to get, HA Ha I am really going to Fool you all for NO I did not get the Salmon I ordered the Mussels and Clams on on a bed of Angel Hair Pasta with the white Extra Garlic Sauce. I have not had that in such a long time. Mike ordered his very favorite Tortellini Del Cassa, it has shrimp and scallops in it, very tasteful.
The waiter was the best as always, he started us off with my very favorite Garlic Tomato Bread, after taking our orders, then he brought Mike his salad, I did not want one, after that h brought our our soup, Pasta Fasaul, it is supposed to be very good, but NO I do not like Beans so I guess you know who ate my soup. Then with out any further delay out came our entrees, oh how great the aroma was of both, and looked so beautiful. As soon as I put one of those mussels in my mouth, my pallet was as happy as could be only to be made happier by the clams and of course the White Garlic Sauce. I have never tasted sauce like they make any where and believe me we go to allot of Restaurants but, never ever is it as GREAT as Cotardo's. Mike enjoyed his so very much too. Then the Waiter came with the Dessert Tray. Oh how wonderful all looked and so much to choose from. Mike said "I really do not feel like having anything but if you want to go ahead", I thought that since he was not getting anything and I knew I could never finish an entire dessert by myself, and to tell you the truth I was very full from m dinner, that yes I did end up taking a little doggy bag home of that. Mike said to me "are you sure" of course I said "Yes" So Mike paid the check, we stopped and talked to the owners son for a bit for the owners were in Europe on Vacation. Then on our way we went back to the" Little House In The Woods" We were both So Happy to have been back at our Favorite Restaurant. I know we will never stay away that long again.
Yes it was such a Special and Wonderful night that the both of us enjoyed so very much.

When we got home Mike went into the fridge and brought out this box that appeared to me to be a cake box, I had no idea what he had there. It seems as though, when he left earlier to go out to the Flea Market and who knows where else.
While I was laying down Mike went to the Bakery and had an Anniversary cake made up for our 12th, Ahh how Sweet is he. Had my favorite Icing, Buttercream. And there it is below. Oh the cake was a yellow cake also my favorite. What a special way to say Happy 12th Anniversary To Us. Thank you so much Mike , for it honestly made Our Day one I shall always remember, I really do Love You. Yes God did bless me with the best.
So come on let's go look at the Beautiful Cake ! ! !

Yes that is 12 candles and we only had to blow them out once,
think Mike got allot of practice from his Birthday Cakes.
The cake was so delicious, we enjoyed it very much and yes Shiloh did too.

There are a few other pictures of the inside of the restaurant but they are with people that I
have not got a clue who they are. Perhaps I will post them at another time.

08-21-11 Sunday, the Weather Man was Apparently Very Wrong, for it was Pouring Rain all day, came down very heavy with adding thunder and lightening and strong winds to it. Can still here the rumbles of the thunder in the back ground and it is late.
So hopefully 8.22.11, Monday will be allot better for we have a special place to go, and meet with a Rabbi, who has been so kind and thoughtful to me with his Contributions for me to send to our Troops for the Jewish High Holidays. On Tuesday we will really start to enjoy our Vacation.
Well I best get going for it is really very late and I have to get some sleep.
Good Night !

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