
WOW IT Is Already July

Finally here the month of our Favorite Things, Flags,Fireworks, Birthday Cakes
For the first Birth Day is for of our Nation, Something to be so Proud of.
We also have three other Birthdays, oh what a month full of Fun.
Also One In Memory Of Birthday which is of course MR. Cloudy

Have to say that was a very fast month, June seemed to have just flown by. Oh do I ever hope that this month is a much better one, with all my medical mysteries finally being abled to be answered. Right now I am on Augumentin, an antibiotics, for the infection from Lab Corp when they were supposed to do only 3 blood tests and stuck my harms, hands, and wrist 17 or more times. This is supposed to be a very strong antibiotic so I shall see. My DR. said that what Lab CorP did to me the results might come back a false positive or a false negative which ever it comes back he feels the tests have to rerun again and is going to talk to the new Cardiologist and see what he wants to do, since it was cultures being tested for my heart.
Well I hope all is getting ready for this big weekend 4th of JULY, we did have plans but they fell through. How ever we do have a Big Birthday coming up on July 4th, for it our Country's Birthday and also Mike's Mother's 90th Birthday and we will be taking her out and the family is having a Surprise Party on the 7th for her. Then tomorrow is Shiloh's 9th Birth Day, already ordered the cake for her. I am going to let he have the entire day off of her diet with Biggest Looser since she has done so very well on it and looks great with all the weight she lost. So off to the store I go to get things for the BBQ for Shiloh's Birthday Party. Yes this will be a fun day for all tomorrow.
Oh we have another birthday coming up on July 16th, for Mike, he will be turning ??,Ooops, oh what Fun that is going to be for it is a complete surprise, he knows nothing about it at all.
Then there is Master Fox's 2nd Birthday, time sure went fast there, oh he is so precious, hope one day we will be blessed to meet him. The the Blog will have it's 3rd Birthday on the 23rd. Then there is my Uncle Jimmy he will be 82, doesn't look like though.

Have to go shopping now. Have a great 4th of July Weekend, and please remember our Troops.
See you When We See You !

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