
Just In Time for New U Of P Cardiologist

Phew can't believe it I made it back just in the nick of time to get to the new Cardiologist from University Of Pennsylvania. I am so nervous and excited to meet this new DR. I have heard nothing but wonderful things about him. Oh I can not wait to get there on time to fill out allot of paper work and then finally meet the NEW CARDIOLOGIST YAY !
Well I best get on my way and back out of this long driveway here at the "Little House In The Woods" Tell you more when I get back. Promise, see ya then. Bye for now.

Sorry about that. I am back now. Must say this new Cardiologist is GREAT, he is so caring, and through, his bedside manner is something I have never seen except from my Pulmonary DR. He did a Heart Echo while I was there. He told me it is going to take some time for the questions that he needs answers to I do not have because of my parents passing and also because I am adopted and have no medical records. He explained to Mike and I that he has as he put it "ALlot Of Home Work Ahead Of Him" and that this is going to be the biggest mystery he has ever worked on. He is going to start with getting the original reports prior to the open heart surgeries and all of those test taken back then and also the original surgical reports on the open heat surgeries from 05-14-09 and 05-18-09. He explained allot to Mike and I and also told us that he knows that it is very difficult for me to continue to go through all that I am going through, but he would like for me to be as patient as I can and Mike too. So I will be going back on 07-05-11 and taking a Maybe Echo Stress Test, and just walk on the tread mill very slowly do to my knee injuries. He explained that he is trying to see what makes me stop breathing when I walk or am in the kitchen just making something as simple as home made baked Mac & Cheese, where I actually after making it feel as if I have just ran a 25 mile marathon and the pressure on my heart is so difficult that I just have to lay down for I have no strength left in my body. Mike explained to the DR that it seems as if I am going backwards quicker every week , and it scares him to see me get completely out of breath just answering the door, or talking on the phone for a little bit, going up or sown the steps, working in my chair at the computer. For it does not make sense to Mike and I nor does it to the DR. We left there to go and get 2 blood tests, got to the lab and they swore that I was to get 6 blood tests that they received 6 DR prescriptions for it. I ended up getting stuck about 18 or more times one time one of the techs hit perhaps an artery for there was blood all over her, me, my packet book, the floor, my shoes, what a mess. Well about 2 and half hours later I came out from the hack with bandages all over my arms, hands, and wrists, only having to go back in there for a couple of them had blood coming through the bandages so the techs had to take care of that prolem and they did, the only tie that they were gentle at all. Mike and I left there real fast I wanted to take Mike out to lunch but I was not up to it and he knew it and so on the way home we stopped at the Post Office to drop off the many Packages for the 4th OF JULY SALUTE FOR OUR TROOPS. Then we finally got back to the "Little House In The Woods", how happy Shiloh and I were to see each other. I was freezing even though it was 84 degrees out, so I turned off the A/C put on 2 sweat shirts to get warm and fell asleep on the love seat in the family room. Waling up just in time to watch the Voice and place my vote. Then take a bath, Mike said that my face was all red I looked so it was but it was hot too, so took my temp oh yes a fever of 103.9 , time for some extra strength Tylenol to take it down.
So that is it for meeting my new Cardiologist and the most horrific time at the lab to get two simple blood tests that turned into r and numerous sticks.
Well that is it. so all I can Ask For Is Can You Please Put Me In Your Prayers! Sure Do Need Allot Of Them
Good Night

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