
Look Who's Turning 5O Happy Birthday Mike

Oh Yes You Must Have The Best 5Oth Birthday Cake They Can Make For You !
Here are some of the 50th Birthday Gag Gifts for you starting with the crossing sign

then the Kiss ME I'm 50 Pin, 5O! Baseball Cap

Here are the great Over The Hill Glasses, Oh You Can''t Resist Them.

The One And Only Hot Sauce Sauce For 50 Year Olds That still Think They Are Hot,Oh My

Have To Have Nifty @ Fifty Cup To Drink Your Coffee Out Of Every Morning to Remind You That You Are 50!

And Of Course Another Cup To Let You Know You Have Reached Oh No The Big 5O Five OH!

Well what do you know finally Michael's Birthday has arrived. This shall be such a wonderful day for him. For I honestly believe that Michael Deserves the very best of everything. He is such a kind and loving Husband and all around Great Person.

Michael just because you are now starting out today in your Golden Years, please do not believe that for one minute. For it is Honestly the Beginning Of Your Tarnishing Years, oh you will see with every year that goes by. How ever they shall always be filled with allot of love, Thoughtfulness, Kindness, Fun, Hugs and Passion. From this Day on we will together be building another Decade for you already made it through 5 decades as of today, with so many more to pass through!

I wish you the Happiest Birthday you could have ever had Today, and yes you will be Celebrating like there is no Tomorrow. I know when the candles are lit on your cake, I will call The Fire Department First Of Course, but any way after they are outside Just Incase of a Fire Just Incase You Do Have A Senior Moment, Try to Remember To Make A Wish and Then Blow The Candles Out, If You Should Need Help Do Not Be Afraid To Ask For IT! Ha HA HA, For I know that your wish will come True for you, for only Good Things should come to you today and every day.

O K well you read this now let's go and celebrate your BIG 5O BIRTHDAY, WOW 5 DECADES OLD or would you rather me say a Half A Century Old? Which ever it is, I love you very much and I only want you to have a very Happy and Special Birthday.

"Hi Dad it is me Shiloh Happy Happy Birthday, best save me some cake and perhaps slide me over some of your dinner too. Can't Wait for you to see what I got you for your old Birthday, Love You, and here is some paws to you! Can't Give You 5O but I will give you my Paws 5 times, that's a great deal."

Well that is all for Now Mike, just Enjoy Your Day !
Why Of Course From ME Your Wife ! WOW Your Senior Moments Are Starting Already?

Love You

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