
Oh Yes Summer Has Arrived

Definitely have to say that on 06-21 at 1:16A.M. Summer did make her arrival, Quite quietly and still a bit cooler than I would have expected with the weather that we had a couple weeks ago when we hit the 90's several days in a row they call it 3 days in a row of 90 degrees you had a heat wave well we did that twice. So the first day of summer not bad but at 2:00A.M. this morning being the second day of Summer, I have to say it was awful, we had such an extremely loud Thunder Storm, have to be honest I jumped out of bed and ran down stairs only to meet Shiloh running up the steps. It was horrible. We went to the bedroom and Shiloh laid by my side on the floor half under the bed, probably wishing she was in the bathroom for that is where she runs to when we have these storms. But she stayed with me and back to sleep we finally went.
Oh Yes SUMMER is here, it is so muggy out you can hardly breath the temp is only 85 degrees, but the humidity well that must be very high for like I said you really can not breath out side, not that you would want to be out there.
Well I guess Shiloh and I best get used to this weather even though we both have a very big dislike for hot weather. Give us the cold, you know nothing in temps higher than perhaps 60 that is it. Oh and keep the thunder storms very far far away, for then her and I will be extremely happy.
From what I see this is really going to be a horrible, hot, muggy, summer full of violent thunder storms. "Oh Bother" for fall can not get here soon enough !
However we do have Birthdays to look forward to starting next month so that is one good thing, and a couple trips to the shore to visit D S and S S and that is a great thing. Hmm Nope can't really think of to much else that will be that great during the summer unless we some how get a blizzard that would be the greatest and oh would the weather people ever go crazy with that as I am sure that you and everyone else would.
Well I guess all I can say is HAPPY SUMMER TO ALL ! For I and Shiloh I know for a fact will be staying inside enjoying the Central A/C , when out in the sunroom we'll be sipping on some ice cold Green Iced Tea !

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