
Pretty Good Day Today

Today started off really great. Shiloh and I got up early, had our coffee and Shiloh had her breakfast too. Then we went outside for a while. Waited for the A/C Man to come , well he was supposed to be here at noon, but no show, till finally 5:00p.m as I was leaving to go out to dinner with my Sister, Brother in-law, Niece, Mike , Aunt, and Uncle from FL

Prior to all that I started around 10:00a.m. making the Prayer Rocks, CST Post Cards to send to the Chaplains so they can pass these little packages I made for the Soldiers Each one containing a CST Post Card with a message on each one of them, yes I made these myself too, then a Little FootPrints In The Sand Prayer Card, gum, a box of 8 pkg drink mix, Bag of Sunflower Seeds, and of course a Prayer Rock. so now I just have to pack all of them up in a large Priority Mail Box for Over Seas, then do the Customs Paper work, tape it all up and off to the post Office we will go on Thursday. What is the HOLD UP you ask? I have to wait for the Prayer Rocks to finish Drying, to put in each packages.

My sister called and asked me if Mike and I would like to join her for dinner with my Aunt and Uncle and Niece I told her I had to ask Mike and would call her back. Why of course Mike said "YES". Once he got home a little late, he took his shower and then we got in his car and off we went to the restaurant. Had a really good time, the food was fantastic, the service you could not ask for better than what we had for our waiter was the GREATEST,the Company was allot of fun , I love spending time with my Sister and Niece and Brother in -Law.

So I know you are thinking to yourself, did Mindy have Salmon there too? YES I did and have to say it keeps getting better at every restaurant I have been to lately and of course had brocolli with it, and my sister's too. It was like lately I can not get enough of that vegetable. We all sat around and talked and talked, it was so relaxing and we all had a really nice time. Then it was finally time to for all of us to go to our own homes, except for my Aunt and Uncle from FL for they were staying with my Aunt's Nephew, then they will be going home on Thursday Morning. It was so nice to see them again. Yes tonight was true FAMILY, could never ask for more than that. In my life I learned that Family is the most Important thing in the WORLD.

Oh by the way the A?C man never showed up till we were walking out the door to go to the restaurant, rescheduled for the 18th at nonn, Hmmmm wonder if it will be another no show.

Came home wrote some letters to the Soldiers I have as pen pals. Mail them in the morning. well I must say that it honestly has been a long day so I am going to go get my bath, put my jammys on and off to bed I am going.

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