
Another Stormy Day Oh No

Rain Rain Go Away Come Back Another Day

Well today is Friday still raining off and on and another Thunder storm knocking at my front and back doors, hope they leave the trees still standing after they leave. The thunder is so loud Shiloh is under the bed, Ahhh poor baby. So I really did not have much to do except for the wash, so off I went to get my hair cut before I get it high lighted tomorrow. For I was told just go any where and get yourself a really good hair cut before you go to the salon you always go to to get the High Lights done, WHY because they are only going to cut off the hair they are charging you for to high light, so why pay that extra money if you had long hair like I did till I got my hair cut today and the high lightswill come out better, that is what I was told.
This is the new hair cut and tomorrow it will be getting new High Lights, OH YES, can't wait.

Oh I best get going have to pack up the Care Package that I am sending to the Chaplain with Prayer and Encouragement packages in there. Only have the Customs papers to get done then out to the P O tomorrow.

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