
Just What Ever I Guess

Today I am just posting my new hair color and cut, then pictures from Liberty Place, then what ever. Do not have much to post about really except for the big bust at the Farmers Market we go to and did yesterday, and the vendors that were selling bootleg items well their merchandise was being confiscated as they were too.Never saw so many merchants trying very hard to pack it all up and get out of there but it seemed like the Law Enforcement took charge of all and the Vendors. Then we went inside and bought some vegetables, then came home steamed up allot of broccoli, my favorite and Mike grilled up some Salmon, while I was making this great purple coleslaw with fresh horseradish that I had grounded at the Farmer's Market, in it oh so good. Just burst with such an enjoyable taste. Had blueberry yougart with fresh blueberries for desert. Yes what a very healthy meal we had and enjoyed so much. As for tonight we just made salads. I would be so lost without vegetables, but I think Mike is getting ready to eat some meat, so I bought him kind of meat I guess, it is Hot Italian Turkey Sausage of which I will be making for dinner tomorrow night with whole wheat Angel Hair pasta that has Omega 3 in it. I make my own sauce with fresh tomatoes, garlic, EVOO, basil and of course can not forget nutmeg, very tasty. I will eat some of the pasta and I still have some broccoli left over from Sunday so yes I will be claiming that. That is about it. So here is a Bunch Of What Ever !

Garden at Liberty Park Restaurant

Garden At Liberty Park Restaurant with NY in background

Garden at Liberty Park Restaurant NY in the Fog back there

My Aunt Rita & Son Lou at her 85th
Birthday Party

Me, Uncle Jim and Aunt Rita
85th Birthday
I'm Just Me

Hair now after it was High Lited Saturday by Sam !

Well that is it for it is getting late and I am very tiered, So you know I have to say only one thing and that is GOOD NIGHT !

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