
WOW 25 Years Farewell And That's It?

Today it was Farewell to OPRAH, how sad it was. I enjoyed watching her show at 4:00P.M. every day that I could. I learned allot from OPRAH, and she will be surely missed by all. This intelligent woman taught me so much. She taught me how when someone puts me down that I should just pick myself up dust myself off and get on with the Life of Living. No one is better than anyone else. We are all the same, Oh how I wish all could believe in that. OPRAH taught me, how to Forgive, Love, Be A Friend, cry, Not Be Afraid, To Ask For Help, Grieve, To Keep A Daily Journal, Oh yes I did, have about 12 books full of what I did almost daily and still keeping one. I do it for every year, and probably always will. She taught me how to Pay IT Forward, and that it is O K to Cry for there is nothing wrong with crying. she taught me that yes I do Enjoy Reading for I Joined Her Book Club, oh did I ever do allot of reading. She taught me that We are all here, because GOD has a Purpose for all of Us but, it is up to us to find out what that Purpose is and fulfill it. I believe my Purpose is to help others, Especially by Supporting our Troops, which is such a very dear and passionate place in my heart and Life. I learned from her to believe in myself. She also taught me to believe in Life and enjoy every minute of every day.
Yes OPRAH you taught me allot and I Thank You so Much, even introduced me to some wonderful people such as DR Oz , DR Phil, Nate Berkus, and oh so many others.
As her show came to an end today I saw that OPRAH had something in common with me, for she never says GOOD BYE, As she said "I will not say Good Bye, I will only say Until We Meet Again."
Thank You OPRAH I Will Miss Your Show At 4:00P.M. on the days I did get to watch it. Yes Miss OPRAH I will miss you and your wonderful Teachings and your Love.

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