
Happy 4th Of July, To Be Quietly Celebrated Here "Little House In The Woods"

Meeting Of The Minds,  Signing Of The Constitution
Let's be happy and peacefully Celebrate Our Nation's Birthday, take care, Be Safe

Yes it's been a Hell of allot of differences in the past 6 months, Quarantined, stay Home be safe, many lives lost.  The Covid 19 still going on, making so many ill and still so many lives being lost.  Many states have finally turned Green, and we are all allowed out to get our Hair done, shop, eat perhaps some states are allowing eat in restaurants, while still are not. Domes states are making it mandatory to wear masks others are not.  Yes this Nations Birthday will so different to many of us from what we may have done last year or many years before that.  We at the "little House in The Woods" we haven't really planed anything, for today.  I know that we will be taking another Quiet Trip to Hammanton, Looking forward to getting 4th of July Cannoli some Blueberry Iced Tea, Ricotta Blueberry Cookies.  Perhaps if they have them some expresso consoles stuffed with perhaps birthday filling, Hey after all it is our Nations Birthday, what a great taste for me to help celebrate this day.  I know that we will also be stopping at Pastores Farm, Love those NJ Hot House Tomatoes, they are amazing, have to get 4 pints of blueberries, love them with our Yogurt, and I'm going to try and make us some Homemade Blueberry Tea LoL  Good Luck  To All That Try it..  Then we will leave there come home have a BBQ for the two of us.  It will be a nice and quiet.
Of course No Fireworks any where, but, there is always TV to watch MACY*S They Are Quite Amazing I Know!
as Many Shed Tears for Our America To Come Back To The Way It Was Before This Pandemic, We try our best of what the many Governors of The States are telling us to do, So Sad for Ones that Resist!

 Many Pray To Our God, Their God, To Please Help us, Please tell us what you want us to do so that we Can get rid of this awful Virus, And We can have our Country to be as it once was Tell us how to Unite, To Change. Things Were so Different  before 2020
 We should always sing and Pledge to Our Nations Flag,  For Let It Wave For Honor, Goodness, Honesty, Truth, Kindness, Caring, Safety, Then Many Men & Women that fault and lost their lives to Keep Out Country Safe  God Bless America

Y*S Fireworks, they will be quite amazing I know that for sure.
Well what ever all of you do today,  enjoy, have fun, eat well, please wear a mask,  Keep Safe Be Well!
Happy 4th of July To all

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