
It Is Palm Sunday Today

What is always a beautiful day of going to Church listening to our Priest speak his sermon, receiving communion and Palms as we leave the Church.  No not today.....
All places of Worship have been closed, do to the CORVID-19 Virus.  We can stream some of our Church's out there to here and see a Priest talk to an empty Church just him and the Camera Man..... I find it so very sad, heart breaking to see that  something we can not see, and I don't believe we would want to see,  what it does to people, The pain and suffering they must go through in hope of surviving and if not they sadly pass alone with out any Loved ones by their sides.
There is no one to blame this Deadly Virus on.  I do believe we have to stand together, and try our hardest to stay inside our homes, I know that some still have jobs to go to, God Bless them that they still do, collecting a pay check still from week to week, maybe not the same amount as it was, no over time right now.  Be blessed when your love one comes home safely from the employment they still may have.  Pray that they will not be bringing any part of the Virus with them to your home.
Yes I do understand having to go out for essentials, like food, we did today, at a store I had to make return at, the return went well but, Find, there was none to be found except for those Sugary Peeps Easter Candy.  How Pathetic it was.  Yes so today I will try one last store to get the odds & Ends for Passover Dinner this Wednesday Evening April 08, 2020 and for next Sunday 03-12-2020 Easter.  It will just be the two of us, but, I'm glad that it is and I pray that my Son and Mario Stay Home, Stay Safe, Be Healthy in PA.  I'll miss them not being here for the Holidays but mu Prayers are with them, & will see each other I truly believe when this Pandemic comes to an end.  Dear GOD Please Be With Us All.

 Lighting of the Candles Passover
 Yes I Read This & Do Believe It To Be Quite True
 Please stay Home Please Be Safe
Please all enjoy these Holidays Today, Wednesday, Good Friday, Easter, Safely.  Yes it is not fair to many that families can't be together to celebrate them.  Keep all in your Prayers as I am also doing with my sister, her husband, her daughter and Grandson.  I pray for this Country, to heal and to heal quickly and I pray for the world tat this  some how some way We shall all see this Deadly Virus Leave as Fast as it came and is still arriving in many places.  God Bless All, Please Keep safe
Much Love To All!!!!! 

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