
Time For Heart Repair Tomorrow

Your & My Heart

In the past 4 years I have had My Aortic Heart Valve replaced, of which the Thoracic Surgeon made a few mistakes, like putting me into full heart block.  That I did not have going into surgery but sure left with it.  4 days after that surgery I had to have a pacemaker put into me, for without one I would be dead as a door nail.  After the Aortic surgery I came home only to have to keep going back to the hospital so many time for I ended up with an infection in my heart sak,not good at all the temps went all the way too 105 degrees.  Not comfortable at all.  Once that was cured I saw that I was having allot of problems breathing just walking perhaps 5 feet, honestly.  It changed my life so badly I didn't even know who I was.  Then they did allot of testing one Heart Cath showed that the Aortic Valve was too small and that was why I could not breath,  I called the Thoracic Surgeon his answer to me "come and see me when your valve gets calcified again and I never heard from him again.  His Name Michael Rosenbloom at Cooper Hospital, NJ.  Patient BEWARE is what I say about that DR.  I have since had many other tests done to see what is going on and why I cant breath nor do the thing I used to be able to do.  So then A very nice Cardiologist the one that put the first pace maker in put another one in after taking the original one out and replacing it with a three lead pacemaker for he thought that it would make me breath better.  Well I have to be honest all it did was give me allot of pain, bruising, imflamation, swelling, high fevers, but not help in breathing.  So now it will be me being knocked out again tomorrow and removing the 3 lead pacemaker out and putting a new one in on the left side of my chest that will be a 2 lead.  No it will not make me be able to breath, but it will relive the pain, imflamation, bruising etc.  I will have this done then stay over night with prayers all will go well.  But there will be no relief for me.
So why did they do this? I'm clueless I guess just to make me comfortable.  Then in September I will be meeting with a supposed top notch Thoracic Surgeon in hopes that he will replace the wrong Aortic Heart Valve that was put into my heart back in May of 2009.  Oh how Mike and I are praying that he will so I can finally have my life back.  For I can't even do simple thing such as taking short walks like down my driveway which is about the size of half a football field, but it is exercise, but I am not able to do it.     I used to be so active and enjoyed life for I found life to be so pleasurable.  Now I do not feel that way at all.
Well I just wanted to write a short post as to where I will be for a while.  For I will not be able to do any  posting till I come home and recover and heal from this 4th heart repair that will only be being done so that I am comfortable and do not have to put up with the loose pacemaker that is in me that gives me so much pain, swelling, infection and high temps.  Well at least I won't have that any longer if all goes well.  If only they would have done the Aortic Heart Valve Surgery, then the pacemaker.
Oh well I am not the DR I to tell you the truth just feel like I am a lab rat that is being tested over and over again.
Well time to go,  Have to arrive at the hospital very early in the morning.

  See you all when I am able to be on the computer again
Till then I will miss you all.  How Strange just starting to redo my Blog in a happier way and this comes up. Hmm I am sure we will have happier posts after this is all over with.

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