
We Lost A Marvelous Actress Jean Stapleton 90 Years Young 06-01-2013

What a very sad day.  I am sure she lived a very well lived life for 90 years.  
She brought so much laughter into our homes and put smiles on all of our faces.

Can you imagine when she enters through the Gates of Heaven and runs into Caroll O'Connor
I'm sure we will here them laughing all the way down here. With Carroll saying "Oh Geeeze"

Jean Stapleton you will be the brightest star twinkling in the skies above us, and when we look up we will see you and always remember how talented you were and how very happy you made us.

My Prayers Are With You
GodBless You
May Your Soul Rest In Eternal Peace

"Oh Archie"

You Will Never BE Forgotten!

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