
When Will It Ever End

Monday  April 15, 2013 was such a beautiful day for the Boston Marathon, running 26.2 miles.  People standing along the race lines to give the runners water and cheer them on.
Before anyone could have ever thought or expected, first bomb goes off. A little 8 year old boy waiting for his Dad to cross the Finish line, oh he was so excited and happy to see his Dad coming and a second bomb goes off taking this innocent child's life.
This day we lost 3 people to these bombs and 170 victims injured  allot of them severely, with loss of limbs and more.
Why Why Why??? Don't these people know that we are AMERICAN'S, We are strong.
This day showed many all over the world how there are so many wonderful people in our country, for there were people at the Marathon that just jumped out to help others, cover them with their jackets, carry them to get help, take them into their homes or their stores.  People that didn't know each other but did help each other, for that is what our country is all about, helping each other out as much as we can.
The day was darkened with loss of lives, so much blood, sever injuries from the supposed home made bombs known as  Pressure Cookers Bombs. What a Horrific Day this turned into. People were hit with B B's and shratnel, glass that came falling from the buildings.
This day in Boston was known as Patriots Day, celebrated every year. What happened on this day shall always be remembered as the many past days of violence our country has seen.  Whether it be in the schools, streets, rail road stations, Air Ports, or any where who ever has done any of this, they are not brave souls not at all they kill themselves as they kill other's.  All I feel these sick minded people want is to be The Top News Of The Day that will be on TV for days if not weeks and remembered a year or so later.

No this is not the AMERICA I grew up in as a little girl where I could go outside and play safely with my friends not being afraid of anything or anyone.  Where did those days go?  Now being an adult I wonder am I supposed to keep myself and family locked inside of our home afraid to go out for not sure of what may happen at where ever we may go?  I weep for our Country and pray that one day this will all come to an end.
For We Are American's And We Are Strong, Never To Let Any one Or Any Group Take Us Down.


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