
February Is Here And With Many Good Times

Well we survived January, as it closed with a horrific storm.  The winds where so strong, the rain came pouring down along with some of the trees.  It went from 61 degrees to 31 degrees.  My grounds look like a war zone from all of it.  Didn't get to see much snow, well perhaps a flake here or one over there but as soon as you saw one it  melted away.
Hello February, you came in with the rest of the high winds that January left with most of them.  How ever have to say that this month put a big smile on my face, for this Saturday it will be Groundhog Day, just wonder if we will be seeing 6 more weeks of winter or is Spring right around the corner. Sunday the 3rd we have the Super Bowl,  oh what a fun day full of gourmet foods to choose from, a team to pick to win which one will it be?  The Ravens or the San Francisco  Forty Niners  Hmmmmm, well I went for the Forty Niners and Mike is going for the Ravens as many of our friends are.  So we shall see on Sunday.  Mike did buy our Sweatshirts for the Super Bowl, have to say they are really nice this year, of course mine has the Hoody with the kangaroo pockets, I'll be warm for they are saying on the weather that it is going to be quite cold that day.
Going to be a day full of Super Bowl cake,  Spicey Hot Foods, Nachos, Jumbualya, and allot of other delicious foods that our company will be bringing.

Then before we know it it will be Valentines Day the day of Love, perhaps , really think that it is the day of HALLMARK hey you have to agree with me there for you know you should get your loved one a beautiful card. then there is the Florest oh they love this holiday more than the Women.  For it is a big money maker to them.  Then why of course you have the Candy Stores making those big Valentine satin Hearts filled with about 3-5 pounds of chocolate in them.  Definitely not coming to the "Little House In The Woods"  nor is the flowers, No not for me.  Just give me a card full of true love and great dinner at one of my favorite restaurants and I will be quite happy.  To be honest just to spend the day with the man that I love is the best thing in the world for me.  Who would that man be ?  why of course it would be Mike.  I would be so lost with out him, for we have been through so much, and he has always been by my side as I have been by his.  We really do not need Valentines day to let each other know that we love each other, but I do like the cards and Mike does get some wonderful ones that bring tears to my eyes.

Then starting in  FL for it will be NASCAR TIME .  A big Hor Ray here for we love the races.  Really looking forward to this starting up.
we honestly begin this month  in "The Little House In The Woods" on a Sad Note, for it will be the 4th Angelversary of MR CLOUDY CAT, who Went to Rainbow Bridge on February 2, 2009.
This was his favorite spot to lay

 Shiloh Grieving over the loss of her Dear Friend 
 Poem For MR Cloudy

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