
Four Years Today My Mom Passed Away

As I Sit And Look Out My Window
Every Night
I Look For The Brightest Star For I Know That Must Be My Mom Watching Over Me
It is so difficult to believe that it has been four years since my Mother left with GOD to go to Heaven.
Why she had to leave so suddenly and very unexpected I shall never know.  For I just remember her laughing and smiling when we went out to dinner. I'll always remember that last kiss and hug she gave us, then her saying "I Love You Call Me When You Get Home" As she shut the door and we left to go home not knowing that we would never be seeing my Loving , Caring,Thoughtful Mother again.
I did call her when we got home to let her know that we made it alright and that the snow was not really that bad to be driving in.  We both said "I Love You, Good Night"  Off to bed I believe my Mom went as Mike and I did too.
This is one of the most wonderful memories I will always carry so deep in my heart with so many other fond ones of a woman that Adopted me to be her Daughter.  Yes I was Chosen, for I was always told that an Adopted Child is a Loved Child and yes I was.
I sometimes find myself out of no where picking up the phone to call her, then I realize that she is in Heaven and I do not think they take phone calls there.  Many days tears just pour down my face for I miss my Mom so very much.  As I say my prayers at night I ask GOD to have my Mom and Dad Rest In Peace.
Oh Mom I wish I knew what was wrong, that you so suddenly went away.  I wonder did we miss a sign that evening that something was wrong with your health?  For you were so full of happiness that night, you have not smiled that much in such a long time it was so great to see you in such a wonderful mood.
I know that We shall all meet again.  Till then Please walk by my side and keep me Safe.
I Love You So Much Mom
God Bless You

 From My Mom

For My Mom 
She Loves Flowers

From My Mom

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