
Have a Pleasant, Happy, Thankful Thanksgiving

Over The Bridge And Through The Woods To Thanksgiving Dinner We Go

Wishing all a very Happy, Wonderful, Peaceful, and  Thankful Thanksgiving.
I am sure that we all have many sorrows, but we also have so much to be Thankful for.  Never let these moments in your life that you are to so Thankful for to ever come to an end, cherish them always.
I ask all to please say a prayer for our troops as you sit down to dinner tonight, for they are far away fight a war on Terrorism, defending our freedom, keeping each and every one of us safe.
I also ask that you Pray for the Victims of Hurricane SANDY, for so many people lost some while others lost all.  They are in need of your prayers and any Assistance you can send their way.
I thank you Governor Chirs Chisti for all that you did last evening for the many people  that suffered so many losses from SANDY.  I admired how thoughtful you and your wife are to make sure that these proud New Jersians had Thanksgiving Dinner.  What a humble gesture. 

Home Made Pumpkin Pie
definitely a must for thanksgiving
 Leaves Changing Colors
A true Fall Photo of the Leaves Changing to such Beautiful colors.
For Our Troops, Please Remember Freedom is Not Free 
So many young Men and women that have been deployed have given the Ultimate Sacrifice to our country.  May their Souls rest in Eternal Peace as they are Safely  in the Arm's of our God.
Being in the hearts of many who Cherish Freedom.  AMEN

One more bit of interesting news

Also Time for All The Idiot Drivers To Come Back Out On The Roads
Be Careful Please For You Never Know Where they Are.

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