
Good Morning August

How nice to welcome you in, even if you insisted in coming in so hot and muggy. Oh well perhaps after a week or two you might just decide to lower the temps to the mid 70s with low humidity. Oh that sounds so great and yes I have faith in August being able to do this. Oh please do not give us many strong rain storms, yes we need rain and I do not mind if you give us some but please nothing devastating.
This is going to be a great month for it is VACATION MONTH FINALLY, which means the Air Show, oh how we are looking forward to that. Also it is our 13th Wedding Anniversary, hmm I wonder if this one should be celebrated for it is the number 13 of which I do not like at all, have to think about this one. Then another try for diner and then the Rodeo. Of course MAYBE if we celebrate our Anniversary we will go to a very upscale restaurant as we always do.

It was sort of a Sad Day too, (7/31/12) for my Aunt and Uncle that are up here from FL were supposed to come here for a cook out last night. We were gong to grille up some salmon and vegetables for it would have been delicious. When my uncle spoke to Mike on Sunday the 29th, for my uncle told Mike that sounds great, Mike called him today but he had his phone turned off While Mike and I were eating dinner my Uncle called, but we let the answering service take the call. for we both were very upset that Mike called today and left a message on his cell to see what time they would be over and if there was anything special that they would like to eat with the Salmon but, they never returned Mike's call. To me that was quite ignorant. For I know if I made plans with someone and I was not going to be able to make it I would have the decency to call them and let them know.
Finally before Mike went to bed he did have the common courtesy to call my Uncle since he did leave a message on the answer call and find out why he could not make it. my Uncle's excuse was he was very sick to his stomach and just slept all day. I feel sorry that my Uncle was sick but my Aunt could have called to let us know that they were not coming. for I would have never went food shopping had I known they were not going to be there. Only problem with this entire episode is that the message he left was he was out and he was very busy and he was sorry he did not get back to Mike. Hmm does not sound like he was sick and slept all day to me. Oh well I think that I have finally had enough of them, they never talk to me but my Uncle does call Mike every Sunday and my Sister and my Aunt seem to be very close and talk allot according to another Aunt. As much as all of this hurts me I an not let it eat at me I have to shrug it off my shoulders and move on.
they were up here and we saw them once when my Sister took them with us out to dinner, and on the 28th Mike and I took him and my Aunt out for his Birthday dinner for that was right on his Birthday. Oh well as much as it hurt me, I learned from it, if people do not have time for us we can't have time for them. WOW what kind of Family members did they turn out to be. I think a bunch of phonies, I remember my parents and one Aunt telling me not to ever say anything to them for they have very big mouths and spread around what ever you say to them which can cause allot of trouble. Guess that is why I really never call them or talk to them on the phone. for all they did while they visited with us was talk about other's and that is uncalled for, for their business in their lives is none of mine and my Aunt and Uncle should learn that.

Well I just wanted to welcome August in
Rather busy evening so I best get to bed now

Oh my with all that has been going on in July I forgot to say Happy 4th Birthday to
" Little House In The Woods"
Have To Say That July Was Such A Hot, Muggy Month that I Simply Overlooked That Four Years Of My Blog Has Been Here. Though I do enjoy my Blog and very amazed that I am able to be keeping it up as I try so hard to do since the Open Heart Surgeries. But, I shall keep on trying for a quitter I am not.

How Ever things Are going To Change Allot Starting This Fifth Year. It Will Have Allot Of My Photography Of Course, But I Am Going To Add Some New Things, Decorating Our Home, Trying to Show Each room I do Before And After(should I have any of the before pictures) And Also Going To Get Into Some Of My Recipes That I Make Up Myself And Will Be Sure To Show You What All I Cook Looks Like When Done. I Hope All will Enjoy The Many New Things That I will Be adding To My Blog for I Know I Surely Will.
I Just Feel That It IS time To Brighten Things up On The Blog And Perhaps Go Back On To Taking Walks Through Out Property Showing How So Much Has Changed And More Things That I Think Of As I Go Along.

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