
Very Quiet Lazy Saturday

How true this is, for even on Quiet Lazy Days we still feel our love for each other, and of course Shiloh too!

Did not get much sleep last night as a matter of fact at the most I got about an hour if that. Guess I had allot on my mind, what I have no idea there. To after tossing and turning from about 10:p.m. to 8:a.m. I though it is best to just get up and make some coffee and toast for breakfast. Then I asked Mike to take mu package of a return to for QVC, they sent me out something that I never would have ordered, so he took that back. I remembered that I had an appointment at the Salon/Spa so I called there to tell her I would be and she said just come in here at noon, could not thank her enough for that. Got readyand before I knew it well it was 11:30a.m. so off to the Spa I went, yes Mike took me still not allowed to drive yet. In the Spa I went and off tho the Flea Market Mike went.
I was in so much pain in the right side of my chest that I could not get comfortable for anything so I just had the hair touched up and added high lights, then she massaged my head as she was putting on this treatment that keeps the color in longer and also deep conditions my hair.

Hair Done Came Out Great

Finally time to get the hair cut and blow dried, have to say as usual Terry did a fabulous job. She is so great as a stylist and also as a friend. Then I paid and tipped her called Mike he came and got me we came back to the "Little House In The Woods" sat around for a while then oh I guess around 5P.M. we went out to dinner, for I wanted chicken salad so bad now for the past 3 weeks, so we went up to the Starview and I ordered it for it is usually so great there, all their food is. Not tonight, the crab soup I had was alright, eat a little of that then gave it to Mike. Our meals came we ate, I did not like mine as much as I usually do for the chicken salad tasted very strange, but the pineappple they put on it sure was good. Then we left and went to Walmart to buy some odds and ends for the week for Mike's lunches and this whole grain bread I just have to have every morning as my toast for breakfast it is so good. Then back to the "Little house In The Woods" to put the food away and out the door we go again to Bottom Dollar, for they have the best produce in the world, got Dole strawberries, Bananas, and Gala apples to make my smoothies with, for while we wee at walmart I did remember to get low fat Dannon vanilla yogart. we also got a couple gallons of Diet Green Iced Tea and my favorite orange juice all natural not from concentrate at all and no pulp. Finished up there, yes you guessed it in the car we went and back to the "Little House In The Woods" for the night. Mike brought the bags in and we put all away and then he took shiloh for a walk, then I gave her, her dinner and Mike and I had sugar free ice cream WOW was that ever great. We watched TV and all three of u fell asleep. Think Mike really needed it more than any of us for he works so hard and Friday night he worked very quite late. Shiloh she was beet from going to the DR on Thursday night to have her blood taken to check her sugar, well it still was not right so the DR now has her taking 13 units of insulin in the morning and 14 at night before she goes to bed. I felt so bad for her that they had to stick her so much for she just did not want to give them any blood for the test. Me I was so tiered from not sleeping the past few nights that I just conked out.
How strange that we woke up at 10p.m. to watch 48 hours and for Mike to give Shiloh her evening shot.
Well I really am not feeling well my stomach is so sick I guess it is from the so called chicken salad if that was what I ate for I really can not say for sure what it was.
Well best get ready for bed and try and get a very good nights sleep. For Shiloh she is laying on top of the A/C vent out like a light and snoring as loud as she can. Mike he is in his music room of course playing with his music and probably listening to the music he bough at the flea Market. Oh Mike did give the Vietnam Marine Vet the Miles Davis music. Mike said the man was so grateful that he really made it up for him, put a smile on the Vet's face and mike's too, What a wonderful feeling for the both of them.
Well yes this day ended on a very Happy Note have to say. It was a very quiet lazy day, but we did get done all we planned on doing. Oh as far as me being able to get out there to take some photos well guess that is on hold till next week but, that is alright for it is supposed to go up to about 90 degrees tomorrow, way too hot for me,. Today would have been a wonderful day but we had things to do and were both very exhausted.
We had time together and that to me is a very wonderful present that I will always enjoy.
Of Course we Have Nascar Tomorrow
Then try and throw in a small BBQ for the 3 of us.


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