
Today Did not Go As Planned OY

Waking Up Getting My Coffee

Got up very early not that I had to, I just could not sleep, got up at 5:30a.m. then tried to go back to sleep, no way that only lasted till 7:30a.m. so down stairs I went made my coffee and some whole grain toast. Saw Mike had gotten up rather early too, he told me he had trouble sleeping too. Hmmm were we really that excited about our plans today to go to the Flea Market I have never been to before, and then go to some lovely antique shops, then dinner, desert, and finally the Rodeo? Maybe ! So we drank our coffee watched some TV read the Sunday paper that we get on Saturday, at least that way we get a day ahead of time starts on the maybe great sales that might be out there. Took care of Shiloh giving her her breakfast and the Mike gave her the insulin shot and a little dog bone. I cleaned up the kitchen then upstairs I went to get ready as Mike followed me up to get ready too. Think we were both starting to get excited about today.
So after Mike was done getting ready he took Shiloh on a long walk I finished up getting ready. Mike brought Shiloh back in she was all tuckered out which was a good thing because we were not supposed to be home till 10:00p.m. or later, for the Rodeo started at 7:00p.m..
I kissed shiloh bye bye see you later put her music on to keep her company, then out the door we went and on to the crowded highways. Swear people can not drive when it is such a lovely day as today was.
Finally we are there at the Flea Market, Hmmm might be interesting going to have to really check this out. And so we did. We walked and walked and walked, and to tell you the truth I would not call this a Flea Market at all, for if you wanted to buy a bogus pocketbook, sneakers, sandals, or sun glasses well you were in the right place. Mike got me a big ottle of frozen water right away for the sun was rather hot but other than that it was a perfect day. Then I bought myself a lovely pink big floppy hat, Mike liked it allot he picked it out in beige first, I do not like that color at all, tried on the pink one the lady gave me the mirror "OH YES THIS WAS THE PERFECT HAT FOR ME" and Mike liked it too. Asked the lady how much she said $10 dollar, I thought that is not bad seemed to be made pretty good, and I needed something to keep the sun out of my eyes and off of my head, so off I went with my pink floppy hat smiling and happy as can be.
Well now it was time to go on a scavenger hunt for Mike smelled a cologne earlier that he liked and he decided he wanted to buy it, hey it was only $5.00, I thought how good could be? So here we went walking and walking in and out of the building then out side up and down the aisles , yes Mike was quite determined to find this cologne, all the vendors he stopped at asked him WHAT IS IT CALLED DO YOU KNOW THE NAME OF IT, Mike thought it was called something but could not find it, but oh no Mike was not giving up. Then I got a bit of a scare for my heart started to beat like a hose running the Kentucky Derby crossing that finish line. I felt like I was going to collapse, so Mike found a place for me to sit, for there really are not any places to sit there just to walk and buy the what I thought a majority of the stuff being JUNK!
Then Mike went for a walk to se if he could find this bottle of cologne I guess about 20 minutes he came back with , what else? records 9 of them and happy as a clam in its shell. Well the scavenger hunt started again I got the wind back and away we went looking for this cologne he did not know the name of. Finally he found something that he thought smelled like it so he bought it. And I finally gat a pretzel, hard as a rock but hey all I had today was toast and coffee. Finally we walked to the car and got out of there.
Now we are at the Antique shop well the only one that we could find. He had some nice things but to tell you the truth forks and spoons hanging off a potato masher is not an antique to me, it is a great way to make wind chimes with the silverware you do not want to use any more but not for $25.0. Then I think you an guess this one Mike found records in there too, could not believe it, well they were 45 s and the man wanted $3.00 apiece, get out of here what are you crazy, Mike isn't going to pay that and he didn't, but he did pay $3.00 for the CDs he bought there, no they were not antiques not at all.
Left there went to the restaurant to eat, Mikes food was actually very good as he told me so any way, I ordered a chicken salad platter, OMG it smelled as horrible as it tasted, I told the waitress and ended up getting a turkey burger. The waitress was very nice and said that she tasted it and it tasted very odd to her and she was so sorry that she bragged about it to me.
While having dinner Mike's Cell rang it was my sister, she was worried for she had been calling the house all day and the line was busy, she asked where we were we told her and she said finish your diner then call her back. I tried calling the house yeap it sure was giving me a busy signal, I know that we locked the place up good and I did not think that Shiloh would know how to use the phone. So I had Mike call the Police at the town we live in they asked him this I swear this is how it went"Sir why are you calling your house if your are all the way down in Woodstown, so Mike told him that his sister in law called him to tell him that she has been trying to call all day and kept getting a busy signal, Police man asked "is anyone here at your house" DAHH! ! ! ! Mike said none is there and just would like for an officer to ride by to see if something might be going on there and gave the officer his cell phone number and asked him to call back. We called my sister back and told her we were on our way back home and that we called the police and asked me to call her when I got home.
Why do we pay taxes in this town, never received a call back nothing. So home we came, go to the Rodeo another time. We finally got home all was quiet, no one thankfully broke into our home. Looked at the Caller ID saw that my sister did call once and must have hung up when the answer call picked and something just did not work right on the phone, except for it having a message of Phone In Use, and only Mike Shiloh and I were there so who was using the phone?. All is well now thankfully.
I should have believed my horoscope that I read today it told me I was going to run into some problems today but to try and work with them and I have to say that not only I but also Mike did too. Oh before we left to come home, I was hungry for I did not eat the turkey burger so we did stop at this place called the Creamery it is an ice cream place, I got a gelloto it was out of this world and huge, but oh so great and cooling. for it took me the entire ride home to try and finish it.
So that was our Saturday, it could have turned out allot worse, so I am glad that my sister called and that we came home not very fond of the Police Department at all, guess it is till that Monkey sitting in the corner checking out all criminal problems in our town as we were told once when Mikes car got broken into a long time ago for a pack of cigarettes and some change.
Sure do hope tomorrow will be a better day for us. I believe it will for we will be having dinner with my sister and brother in-law and that should be a very pleasant time for us.

Have A Great Sunday

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