
Quiet Day And Then Comes Monday

Think I will have my Friend do the typing tonight he does a pretty good job couldn't ask for better help and does not charge me that much either. Just look how enthused he is !
Gotta Love Him

Today was a very pleasant and quiet day. When I woke up I ran down stairs for I have not used my new MR Coffee Coffee Maker maker yet and I was so excited to get the water and coffee in it and press the start button. Okay that was done real fast, then I took my meds and sat down and Mike asked me if I would like to have some home made pancakes for breakfast of course I said yes for he makes the greatest pancakes there is BEEP BEEP BEEP oh how great that must mean that my coffee is ready that didn't take long only 10 minutes, poured my first cup of coffee went and sat on the love seat, tasted the coffee, WOW it was so PIPONG HOT but it has to be the greatest coffee I have ever had, then Mike pressed his cup up to the pedal and got a cup for he went to taste it Ouch this is Hot, so he let it cool down a bit and then he gave me the pancakes and he sat down and enjoyed his coffee. Shiloh and I shared the pancakes they were very good, and I drank my coffee oh yes this is a great Coffee Maker so easy to set up you have your coffee in no time and clean up is a breeze. Mike said he liked the coffee from it too then kidded with me and said he may take it and use it for himself, of course I knew he would not do that for he had his own coffee maker a Black & Decker that attaches to under the cabinet. Yes we have always had His and Hers Coffee Makers for we do not drink the same type of coffee either.
Came upstairs, got ready to go out and visit Mike's Mom. I like going to visit her it puts a big smile on her face and also makes her so very happy to see us. We were there for over an hour, then said our "see you again soon I love you" gave kisses and hugs and we left.
Next stop was a roadside flower/fruit stand I bught some fabulous the best ever Hammonton Blueberries $3.99 for about a pint, then when I paid for them the owner of the stand was giving us cups of samples of Blueberries, no problem there for me or Mike we ate them Then we talked for a bit with the owner listening to how she was trying to keep the place as her Pop had it and so she was. The place was very pricey though, so we said our bye see yeah and on the road we went, next stop get gas for my car, the prices really came down I could not believe it 3.25.9 not bad seen it a bit cheaper but it was not Shell gas and that is the only type I use.
Then left there and headed for Bottom Dollar, went in there right to the produce department for they really do have the very best there is, I went to get more blue berries for I knew what I bought at the roadside stand was not that much, any way the price at the Bottom Dollar was $1.98 for a really big box of Hammonton Blueberries, so of course since I love them so much I got 3 boxes of them and I know that I will have to share the with Mike Allot of times I will make a parfait out with Light vanilla yogart blueberries and strawberries sometimes if I buy them I put raspberries in there too oh so good and cool. Great desert to have after dinner or have for breakfast.
Finally we left there and on the way to the "Little House In The Woods" to be greeted by shiloh still looking so beautiful, out the door she went to take care of her business and we put away what we bought at Bottom Dollar. Then I got the salmon ready for the grille, Mike grabbed them took them outside and on the grille and I made some terryakki vegetables sliced up a delicious tomato gave Shiloh her carrots for of course she needed her treats. Finally in came Mike the salmon was ready and looked oh so good, so we sat down and ate and yes it was delicious. We had a great dinner and Shiloh well of course I had to share some of my salmon with her for she loves it as much as we do.
I then cleaned up after dinner and for one reason or another I was getting a bad headache so I took an aspirin and fell asleep on the love seat while Mike took Shiloh for a walk then came back and went upstairs to do some things with his music on the computer.
I finally awoke and was getting ready to give Shiloh her insulin but, Mike came down and he did it. So he was tiered and had to get up very early for work so we said our Good Nights and up stairs I went to go and write out a card for someone who had just suffered a sudden sorrowful loss and also to go visit some friends on FB.
Well I best get going now for I am now tiered again. still not feeling 100% ever since what ever I experienced Friday when I went out to get the newspaper off the step and the heat grabbed a hold of me and down I went.

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