
Gorgeous Weekend


Hope all had the marvelous weather as we had this weekend. It was such a lovely day Saturday that Mike and I went to the Flea Market, walked around for a bit. Sure did feel wonderful to get out and walk some and just have a nice time with Mike. While we were there of course Mike bought allot of records, it is his hobby more like an addiction but, it is better than him hanging in bars and drinking. I bought to very large ice cold bottles of water for I thought it would help me walk a bit longer and I feel that it did. Also bought a some what miniature crystal carousel, it is so beautiful and then my last stop a Crystal Block with Mickey Mouse in it. So ll together all I spent was $9.00 not bad considering the water was $2.00, well worth it. Mike well we won't go there as to what he spent but, it made him happy with all he bought and came home and looked all of his records he purchased over and even played some of them.
Then we grilled salmon and vegetables, Dinner sure was delicious, have to say Mike you made my Salmon just perfect, thank you so much.
We had a great day.
For I did rest allot after we came home while Mike was grilling and then after dinner.
Just listening to the DR.

Today we will just go out to buy some produce. Our fresh veggies and fruit, Oh and a blender to make our own smoothies or vegetable drinks, really looking forward to this. Then come home and rest and take it easy. Not allowed right now to over do it.

As the Doctor said when we went to see him, it is going to take time for me to heal for it has only been 6 weeks now. He is concerned about the heart racing and he does understand about the discomfort I am in and not wanting to take any of the pain medicine, for I do not like the way it makes me feel. So I am staying off the computer for long periods at a time and only going on it perhaps 20 minutes every few days. Why you are asking, because wen typing it is hurting my right side of my chest and arm and feels like it is pulling on the left side so severely so I am not allowed o really lift anything heavier than a half gallon of milk, and if I do which at times I forget and I have oh does it hurt.
Will be having another heart procedure in the middle of June, at the Doctors office.
Well I best get off of here and go and get some more rest, this is so boring but it is for my own good.
SEE YOU WHEN I SEE YOU ! ! ! ! ! !

Hope All Had A Great Weekend As We Did.

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