
Our Past Weekend Was Great

Hmmm where shall I start?

I know , why not with something Happy!

O K, Saturday I went to the Salon/Spa just to get my hair cut but my stylist Theresa talked me into adding some color, to cover the grey of course, till I come back to get the full head of Hi-Lites. Have to admit I love the color she did, and the hair cut is always the greatest when she does it. She is definitely A Master Hair Artist, well at least I believe she is.
The rest of the weekend was not bad. Did g up o the hospital to visit Mike's Mom for a couple hours. Then went on to doing everything I had to do, getting cards for LLT, and for the Passover Project and Easter Project, all having to be mailed out by 03/16/12 no later for they have to be there in time.
Then we went to dinner at one of our favorite restaurants HERMANS. Have to tell you they have the Best Salmon Cakes, next to my Uncle Jimmy's, of course he makes the very best. But my uncle is in FL and I wanted them now so where else to get great Salmon cakes than HERMANS, yes they were so good, had pea soup and my 2 sides were kasha and bows and kasha and bows, I do not know how to make them so when I go there to eat it is my two sides of Kasha and Bows, Mike got his usual Chicken noodle soup, Meat loaf mashed potatoes with gravy and Cheese Cake Kuegel, then had a very thin slice of the freshest coconut cake that he hasn't had in a long time. The slice of cake was so thin I thought the waitress put Mike on a diet. Me, NO desert, for I could not even finish my meal. Why of course I took it home to Shiloh for she loves Salmon Cakes, I only had one for I ordered off the Little Meal Menu, but still they are so big I had enough for Shiloh along with some Kasha and Bows. Finally back to the "Little House In The Woods"
So here is my new hair color and cut, yeas I really do like it allot and so does Mike

Saturday evening, well I think I would rather just forget about that evening, for we went to a meeting with all of Mikes brothers and 3 sister in-laws. Supposedly to discuss the way things were going to be handled to take care of Mike's Mom, SUPPOSEDLY, oh there was a meeting if that is what you want to call it, honestly think we should have just stayed home or perhaps should have gone to the movies to see The Vow, that would have been great. Finally left there to go back to our Little Home to be happy and relax, phew so glad to be out of there.

Sunday we did some food shopping, then stopped at that little Boutique that I love so much, but they really did not have much. Mike bought me this Tiny Little Book of Norman Rockwell's
Art Work from the Evening Post, how thoughtful of him and I really do love it, so cute and little.
Yes you can read about all the different Art Works that he did. I found it to be so amazing to be able to have a book so small that also taught me allot and showed me some of his art work I have never seen prior to my Little Book. Thank you so much Mike, it will always be very special to me.

Thank God, Home for good, I started dinner and we watched Nascar of course.
How nice it was just the 3 of us including Shiloh all being home together in our nice quiet relaxing family room.
So that was our weekend, not too much happening except for the so called Meeting, never again will we go to anything like that.

Well now that you are all caught up I will post later as to what went on so far this week. Will give you a clue my Cardiologist that I like and trust so much well those feelings just went flying out the window Tuesday.
AH HA will explain in my next posting.
Have to go, have allot of cards to finish writing out for the Holiday Projects for the Soldiers.
See Yah Later ! ! ! !

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