
Our Valentines Day For 2012

I had to get up rather early to go to the hospital to have my heart procedure. I was so worried for the past weekend, that I forgot to go out and even get Mike a card or anything else. I think it was because my plate was way too full and yes I was so scared.
When I woke up and came downstairs, there was my loving Michael with Valentines Cards from him and from Shiloh. The cards from Michael were so beautiful they brought tears to my eyes, for they actually made me feel his love for me. The one from shiloh was just the cutest I would have ever expected for her to pick out. I also received a box of , oh NO NO way don't even think it, for IT WAS NOT CANDY. It was a quarter pound of fresh made Vanilla Coated Pretzels. Of course they looked so delicious oh how bad I just wanted just a tiny little nibble, but was not allowed, hospital orders, they smelled so good, I put them in the refrigerator for later, then Michael gave me another present he knows that I love vanilla Buttercream Cupcakes, NO he did not get me cup cakes he got me this wonderful candle that smells just like the cupcakes I love so much. and my final present was the CD Remember by the Celtic Women and a tote bag that came with it. I love them and their music so much. I watched their show, and all I could do was brag about it to Michael so he not only get me the CD but also got me the DVD. I started to cry for I did not get Mike anything I felt so bad. We then left and off we went to the hospital for the procedure. After procedure came home with out having any promising results from it. Will be going to see my Cardiologist next week. The Cardiologist that did the procedure frightened me so bad that it took longer than normal to put me out, and he was getting a bit aggravated with me, for he did not understand that I have adverse reactions to medicine that is to put you out, so after the almost 3rd try out I went. Woke up crying , scared because I could not breath and no one cared. Have to say the Cardiologist both Mike and I thought that he had a very poor Bedside Manner, and only one nurse was very nice. Then they gave me a pain pill and sent me home. I slept and slept. I did wake up in the middle of the night and remembering that I did have a V-Day card and I wrote something very loving to my husband and put an invitation to a restaurant that we like allot and a trip to by him some new Cds, got hat card downstairs and put it by his coffee cup for him to open when he goes to pour his coffee. Yes a NICE SURPRISE for my Michael. He called me later and thanked me and that made me so happy even though I was not feeling that well and the breathing was really horrible and so much pain in my chest. I Guess It is Just Going To Be IT IS WHAT IT IS.
Well that is how we spent our Valentines Day, not the best but at least we were together and that is what is most important to me to have my Michael close to me.

Little late but, letting all know, best Later than Never.
Have to get going now for it is late and time to go to sleep.

Can't wait to take my loving husband out to dinner for a belated Valentines Dinner and also buy him some CDs. Think he will be smiling as much as I did when I received my Valentines presents.
Oh I did finally eat the pretzels sharing them with Mike he only was allowed to have one, must say they were so great I loved all 7 of them they were worth waiting for.


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