
So Happy These Past Couple days

O K what happened to me, did I get some wonderful news, money, hit the lottery what?
I have not got a clue. All I can say is that on Friday I went to the Post Office to mail a package to a friend with his very Belated Birthday Present and Christmas presents in it. I got in into my car turned the radio on, and of course Christmas Music was playing, as I backed out of the very long driveway, I just started to sing to the song "Little Drummer Boy" arrived at the post office made sure I insured the package and had a confirmation on it too paid for that wished the Post Master a Very Happy Holiday, he smiled and wished me the same. Back into my car on my way back to the "Little House In The Woods" just singing to any song that came on. I was smiling and just so happy. Arrived home greeted by shiloh and her and I sort of danced together to music on the stereo, just having a great time, then we sat on the floor and she laid by side as I started sorting through the Christmas decorations for he tree. You have to understand I tried to decorate the tree since Sunday no luck just had no Christmas Spirit, which is not like me for I love Christmas and decorating for it too. So after I sorted out the decoration Alvin the Chipmunk Christmas song came on, and I was really rock n rollin to that singing to the top of my lungs, especially at the part when he shouts ALVIN, no Shiloh did not care for the loud screaming, but we sure were having allot of fun. Then we did have some peanut-butter crackers and after that she went and laid down and I almost decorated the entire tree just singing away and enjoying every second of it. I started to feel very short of breath and tiered guess I over did it some what, so Shiloh and I took a nap for about an hour or so. Woke up in a great mood. Then Saturday the 17th woke up got Shiloh ready to go to the groomers to get herself all beautified, and smelling like a sugar cookie when she would arrive home. I was getting ready to go to my stylist to get my hair cut and have the color touched up a little. She did such a magnificent job on my hair loved it. Came back to the "Little House In The Woods" had lunch which was a hoagie from the Fire House they were selling them, oh do they ever have the very best , well of course there were some thing on there that I do not eat but it still was great. Then I went upstairs as Mike was recording in his music room I was doing some work on my computer. Three hours later the phone rang for it was time to pick up Shiloh she was all done, she came home so beautiful and yes smelling just like a sugar cookie, for that is what they bathe her in at Christmas time, and of course she got a excellent Angel rating for how she was while there today we sere so proud of her. Then after Mike ate dinner we went out shopping to find a present for my stylist, Shiloh's Groomer, and for two people that we will be seeing at Christmas. I do know one of the men but not the other. We did finally find something for all then we went to Marshals and ended up buying gifts for each other. Oh one store e were at had this thing called a HAPPY LIGHT and Mike asked me if I have been visiting this store and staring at the light for the past couple days, I said no I am just in a very good and happy mood. Finally home again for the night, thankfully, and watched the movie Christmas Angel, oh I just love the Hallmark Station this time of year. So now it is sunday at 12:57a,m, in the morning and yes I am a bit tiered and we do have allot of things to do tomorrow, we are going to have a visit with Mike's Mother, we are really looking forward to that for we have not seen her in a while.
Well I best say GOOD NIGHT and take my HAPPY SELF to bed.
So Till I Am Back On Here Again in this Fantastic Happy Mood
Oh No I Did Not Win The Lottery Just Woke Up In a Great Mood On the 16th, Praying It Will Always Stay With Me For I Really do Like It Allot.
Oh one other thing I sent a present to another friend for her and her family and she called me Friday to tell me that it arrived and could not thank me enough. That put a big smile on my face hearing that I made someone and their family HAPPY Too!

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