
A few Great Days

Past couple days have ben so beautiful and some what cool, with such lovely blue skies filled with sunshine. No I did not stay around here, I went out and just had a wonderful time by myself. I know it seems as if I am spending allot of time by myself, but that is O K for I still am out there enjoying myself. Today had to run a few errands, then I treated my car to a big surprise. Had it detailed and now it is all white again and shinning really bright and oh so clean and I know is very Happy. No ore leaf stains on it any where. Then I came home to find out, think you guessed it, RAIN TOMORROW. Well at lest I have a very clean car and also had a few days of great sunny cool enjoyable ones. Loved every minute of it, for these days actually brightened up my very sad and unhappy days I have been going through for quite a while. I will some how pull myself out of this rut. The many Doctors might not be able to help me, or give me back my life as I knew it, but I feel that I can help myself and try real hard. I now I have to do this very gingerly and that is the way I am going to try.

Cannot forget this for to me it made me feel very proud of myself, Shiloh and I went on a Baby Walk today. While we are walking It is almost as if she knows when I am really having allot of difficulty breathing and the pressure on my chest. For she comes to a complete stop and looks up at me as if to tell me "to take a break slow down MOM". Have to say with Shiloh by my side I did well and she made me feel safe. What a wonderful friend I have in her.
Here is as we come out of the driveway and walk all the way up the street and that is what A Baby Walk is for Shiloh and I. Yes we do have to take allot of breaks do to my breathing and the pressure on the chest for sometimes it get so tight it really frightens me allot.

We started out walking the length of 1/2 a football field, which is from my font door down the drive way to the street then up the street we went perhaps about a 1/2 mile, for you have to include the walk back to the house. May not be much to all, but to Shiloh and I it was quite an accomplishment today.
Well it will be raining tomorrow so I will spend my day doing wash and reading the Steve Jobs book Mike bought for me as a belated birthday present Monday. Have to admit started reading it some yesterday it is well written with as much as I have read so far. Yes I have read about a quarter of the book. Did find it hard to put down, but had other things to do.

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