
What Is On Todays Agenda

At 9:00a.m. Shiloh went to Country Kennel to have her Spa Date, you know her Facial, Hot Oil Treatment, Sugar Cookie Bubble Bath, Nails, Teeth Cleaned, then on to Pizza Party with her friends there. I am sure she is having a fabulous time there and will have allot of fun with her friends. When she comes home later this evening, she will look so beautiful and smell like like Lavender I hope and I know that she will have a new scarf and will be sort of upset with me for I didn't stay with her. I will just give her a coupel carrots when she comes home. Well I best get going for with the couple hours that I shall have today I think I will go and visit with Mike his Mom, for she is in a rehab. I feel so sorry for her, being 90 years old and all she wants to do is go home. But she is not allowed till they get her sugar count down for it has been running the 200 and 300's.
Got a call time to pick Shiloh up. Went to get Shiloh, and was told that "she was a little skidish today" at her favorite Spa, I was very surprised to hear that. For when they brought her to the front to go home she ran real fast and came right to me, I put on her pink collar and as we leaving she sat down looked up at me as if she was going to say something. I wish she could have talked to tell me what was wrong. I personally think that it is all the barking of the other dogs that were there while their parents were on vacation. For Shiloh is really only close to one other dog, her friend Cricket. Back to the "Little House In The Woods" for a little bit, then out Mike and I go have to run a few errands. See you later when I am home for the rest of the evening.

Finally home, after going out and buying some Greeting Cards to send to the Soldiers, for I was starting to run short on them. Fully stocked up now for quite a while. Then we went to Herman's for dinner. We were quite surprised at how packed the restaurant was. Usually when we go there on a Saturday night it is just Mike and I and the owner maybe a person stopping by to pick up things to take home. We had a great dinner though, the waitress well can not say too much for her, and neither could Mike, but the owner saw we were there so he became our Waiter. I had their Famous Salmon Cakes with kasha and bows and a cup of chicken vegetable soup. Mike had what he says is the best meatloaf you can get when we go out to eat with of course mashed potatoes all with gravy and cheesecake kugel, and had the Tomato Florentine soup. Then Josh came and asked what we wanted for desert, I felt so bad for him for when he came to our table for one reason or another I had just lost it and could not stop laughing. Even Mike didn't know what was going on. Well he knew Mike always gets the coconut cake so he brought that to the table and then he saw I had stopped laughing and told me I best go home and take a nap. So I asked for a cup of coffee for they just seem to have such fantastic coffee, then he brought me a slice of Jewish Apple Cake, that is baked right there on the premises, so very good, but I could not finish it, wrapped up it going home with about half of my dinner. for even though I order off of the "Slightly Smaller" Menu, it is still too much for me. We talked to Josh for a while then finally We all said "see you later". On our way to the "Little House In The Woods" Shiloh was so happy to se us, but she also was happy that we were home so she could go outside and take care of her business. In she came for she wanted her carrots, I looked all over the fridge could not find them. I knew I had them last night for I gave them to her. I searched and searched and I don't know why but I looked in the freezer well what do you know there was Shiloh's carrots, frozen hard as a rock. I knew she could not eat them so I gave her some of her dry food and a Large Milk Bone for she didn't have a bone before she left for the spa only her breakfast for we were running a little late.
Any way Shiloh was happy with what I gave her and not upset over not having her carrots, just happy to lay by my side as we all watched TV. Do not think that we watched too much TV for I could hear Shiloh snoring and Mike also and I kept having problems holding my eyes open. I remember watching Harry's Law I seem to enjoy hat show allot, then we watch other shows, honestly could not tell you what they were. Last thing I remember watching before coming up here was the 11:00p.m., News to Hear that there are Day Time Robbers Breaking Into People's Homes in our Area, that was not Good News At All. So glad that we have the Entire House, every window and door covered by the Alarm System which Goes Right to the Police Dept. and if there is a fire right to the Fire Dept and Police. Yes this scared me allot especially with whee we live.
Well that was how we spent our Saturday, it was supposed to rain, thankfully it didn't, just cloudy all day. How ever tomorrow it shall rain and perhaps as the weatherman said more rain on and off through Thursday. Oh how happy I think all will be once the rain finally goes away leaving us with beautiful clear blue cloudless and sun filled skies to put smiles on all of out faces
Best get going now for I am tiered so off to dream land Shiloh and I shall go.
Oh I forgot to tell you the Spa sent Shiloh home with a scarf that is bright red, white, green, yellow, and has allot of peppers on it, no it is not meant for her at all. I thought for sure they would have given her a Fall or Halloween scarf, or her favorite color scarf why purple of course. Hmm per haps that was what she was trying to tell me when I picked her up. "No Way On This Scarf Mom." I know we are going to Target tomorrow so perhaps I will run over to PetSmart and get her a new scarf that will make her happy.
From Shiloh and I to all,
Good Night !

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