
911 Reflections Of A Past Decade

Reflection Of Twin Towers In Eyes,As Tears Fall
Ground Zero Lights Shall Forever Be Shining At Hollow Ground

America, Oh How the Eagle Weeps as She Mourns our Deceased
Fire & Police Men & Women set this Flag up
To let All know, America Still Stands Strongly
and We Will Rebuild and We Shall Go on Stronger.
Memories OF Our Fallen Heroes
As Lady Liberty Cries "Unbelievably, "Why"

911 Terrorist Now Going To 2nd Tower
911 Terrorist Fly Plain Into 2nd Tower
What Was Left Of The Twin Towers To Become Hollow Ground
Those were some very Strong and Memorable Pictures above of
of 911 A Decade ago, Never To Be Forgotten.
Where were you Ten years ago today? Do you remember? Will you ever Forget?
Such a Beautiful sunny day with a wonderful light blue sky not a cloud in the sky. Everyone going about there business in their usual way. Saying Bye see you later to your loved ones as they went out the door to go to work or to school or perhaps you were on your way some where also. Maybe you were just taking a walk in the park or around the block where you lived that day. for if you do remember that day, you have to remember what a gorgeous and peaceful day it was. You could just feel all the joy, kindness, and love in the air.

Who would have ever thought what happened early that morning on such a quiet day would have ever happened in our Country, killing over 2,997?
It is a day I shall never forget and believe there are so many others that feel as I do. Allot of Father's of unborn children were lost that day, as well as sons, daughters, mothers, sisters, brothers and on and on. The 3,000 First Responders all Members of the Fire Departments, the EMTs, Police Departments, also the 911 Operators trying their hardest to help others. Yes to me they too are also Heroes with all that they did, they were not thinking of themselves, For to them it was a day of Caring and Helping. A day filled with Selflessness and Devoted Acts of Courage towards others. I hope we shall all always remember On that peaceful gorgeous day of All we Lost so Many and so Much. We Gained allot of Fear and Anger and Hatefulness.

Am I still Angry over that day, Yes I am, do I still have fear in me yes oh yes I do. For today as I was gazing out the window into the beautiful sky similar to the skies of 911 a decade ago, and I seemed to have seen so many Jets flying in the sky, perhaps I never honestly looked as I did today noticing all of them.
There will be allot of Memorial Services today to remember the Fallen of that day, that brought shock to all of us in one way or another.

Tell me did you hug your loved ones that day as you were watching such Horrific Terror on TV as it was happening to Our Country, did you cry perhaps with a stranger, did you reach out to someone anyone to help them, did you hold another's hands for the both of you were shaking so, in fear, did you call someone on your cell phone just to say "I Love You", or did you look up at the Sky Yelling Furiously in Anger. I believe it was a day this Nation went into Shock and shed so many tears of disbelief.

Let Us Never Forget This Day, for it is a day of Prayer for all of those we lost even though we did not know them. It is a Solemn day full of Sorrow.

Months followed, then young men and boys and Women and Girls signed up to Serve and Protect their Country and Her Freedom's. Into Iraq and the War On Terrorism began. Then our troops moving into Afghanistan. So many of our young Fallen Heroes, with more passing every day. Yes I will always consider these young or older Men and Women True American Heroes, giving their Very all, some giving the Ultimate Sacrifice. For their legacies shall always live on and No they shall never be forgotten, for their Loyalty, Courage, Strength's, Dedication, Choices, and Beliefs in Serving Their Country, keeping all so very safe and letting the Bells of Freedom ring and ring Loud.

I heard one gentlemen on TV today, say that it is almost as after 911, when he attended Funeral after Funeral for the many that lost their lives that day. Now here he is attending so many Funerals of the First Responders almost as if it were 911 again. Do to their Bravery are now harshly being Diagnosed with CANCER. How SAD..... To me these First Responders are Truthfully The Most Honorable Heroes That Day, With Days and Months, To Follow. Who's Legacies Shall Never Be Forgotten, Having A Special Place In All Of Our Hearts.


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